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Thursday, January 2, 2020

An Interview At The Interview Essay - 1583 Words

Demographics On October 26, 2016 an interview was conducted with Mr. Johnathan Bracey. During the interview session Mr. Bracey was able to clearly state basic information about himself. Basic information such as: Date of birth/age, gender, ethnicity, race, sexual orientation, marital/relationship status, primary language, socioeconomic status, and religion. When asked his date of birth Mr. Bracey stated, â€Å"I was born on the fifth of August during the year 1991, so I am currently twenty-five years old.† Mr. Bracey was then asked which gender does he identify; giving the response that he identifies as a male. After identifying himself as male, Mr. Bracey then stated, â€Å"I am an African-American male, as far as I know. I believe most of my ancestors were African-American, so I do not believe I am mixed with anything.† Therefore, this statement from Mr. Bracey led to race. When asked his race, he stated, â€Å"Yeah, I’m just African-American, so you can just say that I am black.† Mr. Bracey was then asked about sexual orientation during the interview. He stated, â€Å"I’m attracted to girls and girls only, so I classify myself as heterosexual.† Fortunately, Mr. Bracey was able to give his marital/relationship status in his following statement saying, â€Å"I like girls, but unfortunately I am not in a relationship at the moment, nor have I ever been married, so you can say I’m single.† Next, Mr. Bracey was asked his primary language and was able to confirm English was his primary language byShow MoreRelatedInterview : Interview And Interview915 Words   |  4 PagesInterview: Mak Recently, I had taken the time to interview Mak. Her full name is Eunice Mak and is a young lady of 26 years living in San Francisco, California with her grandparents, parents, and brother. She graduated from San Francisco State University with a Bachelor of Science in Human Development. She currently works at Kaiser as a Pharmacy Technician. Mak was born in Hong Kong, China and migrated along with her parents to Vancouver, Canada when she was only one-year-old. She later migratedRead MoreA Interview With An Interview Essay2011 Words   |  9 Pagesthe assignment was to interview another person and record it, then later analyze how well you used interview techniques. The interview was to last fifteen minutes and discuss why your interviewee had decided to choose a career in the health field. General Aspects of an Interview Overall, the interview was accomplished with few complications. There was definitely areas of the interview that need attending to, and there were areas in which I excelled. The dyadic interview started with an openingRead MoreA Interview At An Interview1585 Words   |  7 Pagesthe submission of my application, I received an email inviting me to the interview that would be conducted in company’s office in London. Overall, in my opinion, I did my best in terms of the preparation. I researched the company’s history, read about its most popular products and familiarized myself with the recent industry and company’s news (Burke and Thurgood 2007). A week prior to the interview date I attended an interview preparation session organized by the Careers Office which, as noted byRead MoreThe Interview With A Interview Essay1382 Words   |  6 PagesAlthough, all the participants had not experienced being in an interview before, they agree to have the interviews record ed. For them, it was the first time spoke openly to a person outside of their family and friends’ cycle about their experience. 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Each contributor impacts and is impacted by the responses of the other. The practice of interviewing is central to the work done in many mental health settings. Interviews may be conducted for a variety of intended purposes and can be structured, semi-structured, or unstructured to best serve the purpose of the interview. The goals of a part icular interview relate to the context in which that interview is conducted. Ethical clinicalRead MoreA Interview On The Interview2335 Words   |  10 Pagessystems interview. The interview was conducted in J.M.’s studio room of his home where his life’s work hangs on the walls and books, articles, awards, and family pictures surround him. This studio is also where J.M. spends a lot of time researching different topics of interest on the internet, working on art at his table and sending funny e-mails to his family. He lives in a cozy, eco-friendly, single story home with his companion, my grandmother, and their two rescue dogs. As the interview startsRead MoreOutline Of A Interview On The Interview848 Words   |  4 PagesHow to succeed on the interview As a famous singer prepares for a huge concert, he/she sees their success, double and triple checks their apparatus, and calms their anxieties by playing their favorite song on their iPod. It might not be this stressful of an emotion while preparing for a job interview, but preparing mentally and physically is a significant element that plays a important role in getting the job and successes that we try for. Interview can indeed be stressful, especially if we haveRead MoreInterview On The Interview Session941 Words   |  4 Pages Introduction The interview session is conducted face-to-face at home. At first, interviewing this individual was very difficult because of the personal relationship we share. Due to our goofy characteristics and light nature of our relationship, it was hard to be serious to conduct the standard interview and stick to the objective. 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