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Impact of Income on Purchase of Luxury Fashion Products Free Essays

string(64) possibly purchase extravagance style items when they have a high income. Official Summary The current paper is an outline ...

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Impact of Income on Purchase of Luxury Fashion Products Free Essays

string(64) possibly purchase extravagance style items when they have a high income. Official Summary The current paper is an outline of the investigation on impact of Income on acquisition of Luxury Fashion Products. The recommended investigation is a quantitative investigation of ladies and utilizations age based inspecting; ladies matured 16-45 years. The customary financial matters idea that higher pay would prompt higher utilization of ordinary and quality merchandise and lesser of substandard products are frequently tested by advertisers for extravagance merchandise. We will compose a custom paper test on Effect of Income on Purchase of Luxury Fashion Products or on the other hand any comparable theme just for you Request Now Writing proposes that there are various different factors other than pay that lead to acquisition of extravagance design items, for example, brand connection, renown and societal position, emblematic, practical, enthusiastic qualities. Hence the examination would clarify the significance of pay when young ladies in UK settle on buy choices identified with extravagance design items. The examination is recommended to be quantitative in nature however as per the legitimate positivism reasoning. It would follow a review system and close finished survey would be utilized in the examination. The discoveries from the investigation are relied upon to have noteworthy ramifications for organizations in extravagance items industry just as explicitly for advertisers, promoting extravagance style items to ladies in UK. 1 Introduction The current paper gives a summation to the investigation of effect of pay on shopper dynamic with respect to extravagance style items. The proposed examination would utilize a contextual analysis of ladies in UK between ages of 16-45 years. The rundown clarifies the exploration foundation, points and goals, degree and restrictions, writing audit and system for leading the examination. It further features the normal issues and confinements of the examination. 1.1 Research Background: The recommended examination is planned for contemplating the effect of pay on buy choice in regards to extravagance design items. A further contextual analysis of ladies matured between 16 to 40 years from the United Kingdom has been taken. Like different businesses, even inside extravagance merchandise, the advertisers need to consider factors like rivalry, globalization, expanded client modernity and development of business sectors and so forth to detail its showcasing technique (Djelic and Ainama, 1999). The Economic emergency 2008 influenced the deals in the extravagance products industry. Anyway an upswing was seen in 2010. As per Passariello (2011) the extravagance products showcase in the Europe is worth ˆ168 billion and indicated sensible development in the year 2010. The development isn't only explicit to Europe, yet showcase for extravagance products has expanded enormously world over the most recent couple of years. As indicated by McKinsey Co‘s research, the most noteworthy development is relied upon to be inside China which is required to develop by 20% till 2015 (Atsmon, Dixit and Wu, 2011). In extravagance industry, globalization likewise offers immense open doors like a rise of new markets in nations like India, Russia and China (Silverstein, Fiske and Butman, 2003). The quickest developing business sector as recommended by examiners is that of China since the economy is becoming quick and the pay of the individuals has altogether expanded over the most recent couple of years (Agarwal and Wu, 2004). As indicated by Roberts (2012) the extravagance merchandise showcase expanded by 4% in Europe in 2012, for the most part owing to high traveler spending however low nearby interest. Every year, progressively Chinese visitors visit Europe and are considered greatest spenders on extravagance items (Passariello, 2011). The advertisers, so as to profit by the rising chances and advance deals of extravagance design items, need to know the inspirations of the focused on business sectors. The UK advertise is presently recouping from downturn and is a significant market for deals of extravagance design items. The financial experts recommend that as the pay of customers builds they move to quality merchandise from substandard products. This is a target clarification and the pay is given as target models anyway for extravagance merchandise, advertisers stress emotional reasons more. For instance, Phau and Prendergast (2000) were of the view that how shoppers see extravagance is in abstract terms and it is their comprehension of â€Å"luxury† which decides their related buy conduct. Advertisers contend that pay isn't as significant as a factor for buying extravagance items. As per them Luxury products utilization has consistently been a noteworthy social practice while Berry (1994) clarifies that the worth one joins to extravagance is a segment pivotal to the self-acknowledgment of a general public. The advertisers in this way need to recognize different elements that spur the shoppers to purchase extravagance styles items other than salary. The proposed examination would contemplate effect of pay just as significant factors other than salary that the advertisers need to consider when building up their showcasing efforts for extravagance style items. Dubois and Duquesne (1993) in their exploration found that culture is as significant as salary that decides the utilizations of extravagance items. 1.2 Research Aims and Objective: The exploration point is to consider the effect of salary level on purchaser dynamic on account of extravagance design items. The point would be accomplished by the accompanying goals: To audit writing and comprehend the variables affecting buyer dynamic for extravagance items. To examine salary as a factor and how it impacts buy choices with respect to extravagance style items. To comprehend the job of pay for buy choices by young ladies. To build up a system to clarify the pay impact on acquisition of extravagance style items by ladies. To examine the essentialness of factors other than salary that affects extravagance buy conduct. To make proposals to the organizations and advertisers managing in extravagance style items for ladies. 1.3 Research Question The principle research question that the exploration would answer is: Does salary impact buying of Luxury Fashion ProductsThe study would test related theory, for example, H1: Income is a significant factor for acquisition of extravagance design items. H2: The ladies in various age bunches have distinctive purchaser directions towards extravagance items. H3: Income if a significant factor for young ladies in UK for utilization of extravagance style items. H4: Income isn't the fundamental factor however esteem creation for more seasoned ladies when purchasing extravagance design items. H5: Women possibly purchase extravagance design items when they have a high pay. You read Effect of Income on Purchase of Luxury Fashion Products in class Paper models H6: Social inspirations are increasingly significant variable for style cognizant ladies in UK. H7: Luxury cherishing ladies don't think about salary as a significant factor when buying extravagance style items. 2 Preliminary Literature Review At whatever point a shopper, expert or a specialist centers around extravagance products, some particular qualities of various extravagance brands may come as a main priority, for example, Chanel suits, Cartier watches or Hermes satchels. These are altogether costly, astounding quality, tasteful legacy, structure, notoriety, allure, selectiveness, unavailability, and character reflection (Quelch, 2006). Quelch (2006, p.100) states that: Extravagance brands are those whose proportion of useful utility to cost is low while the proportion of immaterial and situational utility to cost is high. Other than fulfilling the material needs of the purchasers, the extravagance products additionally addresses social and representative needs (Wiedmann et al., 2007). A few analysts have additionally outlined extravagance merchandise by looking into their qualities to the attributes of mass utilization items. Riley, Lomax, and Blunden (2004) determined different highlights of extravagance products (e.g., Christian Dior scent) varying from regular buyer merchandise (e.g., Dove cleanser). As indicated by researchers, extravagance products are planned for specialty showcase fragments (Riley, Lomax, and Blunden, 2004). The advertisers of extravagance design items utilize select setting, advancement, circulation and showcasing division strategies. Then again, for non-extravagance items, they center more around usefulness and cost. When purchasing extravagance products the shoppers are impacted by quality, status and lofty brands. Advertisers underscore relationship with legacy and craftsma nship when situating extravagance brands. Riley, Lomax, and Blunden (2004) additionally clarified that after-deals administrations and a few different techniques for esteem creation are significant in extravagance merchandise. Hauck and Stanforth (2007) said that pay impacts, somewhat, the view of extravagance. For instance, something may be an apparent need for one individual while an apparent extravagance for another. A well known approach to distinguish extravagance depends on five variables system given by Phau and Prendergast (2000). These elements incorporate brand character, selectiveness, elevated level of brand mindfulness; center around client unwaveringness and quality. In purchaser conduct writing the model given by Vickers and Renand (2003) clarifies that the buy conduct is dictated by experiential, interactional representative and utilitarian perspectives for extravagance products since they are high in both social and individual character. The non extravagance items are just high in utilitarian viewpoints. The model given by Seringhaus (2005) incorporates feeling related elements like character and picture, viable emblematic correspondence for brand personality and consistency with self-idea which positions extravagance brands. As indicated by Tse (1996), a large portion of the examination done on utilization unequivocally demonstrates the impression of Western culture and its effect on individualistic objectives. In a nonconformist society, the conduct and persuasive variables of buyers when buying items might be in a general sense unique in relation to those in a collectivist society. Various researchers (e.g., Phau Prendergast, 2000) have

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Ethnic Identity and African Americans Essay Example for Free

Ethnic Identity and African Americans Essay Ethnic character is the whole of gathering part emotions about those qualities, images, and basic narratives that distinguish them as a particular gathering (Smith 1991). Advancement of ethnic personality is significant in light of the fact that it encourages one to deal with their ethnic enrollment as an unmistakable reference gathering and critical piece of a people in general character. Ethnic reference bunch alludes to a people mental relatedness to gatherings (Smith 1991). These reference bunches help youths sense, reflect and see things from the purpose of their ethnic gatherings in which they effectively take part or try to take an interest. What is ethnic character? The foundation of personality is a significant, complex errand for all young people, and is viewed as a significant formative undertaking for all youths. It is especially confounded for youths having a place with ethnic and minority gatherings. Ethnic personality of the greater part gathering of people is continually approved and fortified in a constructive way where as the minority bunch is continually criticized and rebuffed in a pessimistic way. What does this say for those teenagers who are the minority and not the greater part? It is imperative to study or research ethnic character since it gives better information to assist one with understanding making progress toward a feeling of solidarity and connectivenesss in which oneself gives importance to course and significance of ethnic personality (Spencer, 1990). It is likewise imperative to study or research the contrasts between these gatherings because of convictions and qualities. Youths that are the minority are stood up to with their ethnicity at a previous age then Caucasian young people larger part and they are continually mindful of ethnic contrasts, which implies it is of more noteworthy significance to comprehend the improvement of the minority person. It should prompt various appraisals with regards to ethnic personality. For instance, African American young people are mentally contrasted with Caucasian American pre-adulthood analyze, which are in some cases incorrectly surveyed. Bronfenberner clarifies the hypothetical point of view, for example, the natural viewpoint by saying, The suggestions for clinical treatment of African American teenagers, psychological well-being laborers must be delicate to the environmental setting of their customers. Psychological wellness laborers must understand that there is no single element called the dark family . The dark families contrasted with different families set up their American family. He proposes that these families differ drastically in foundations, social financial status, qualities, and level of cultural assimilation to the standards and estimations of standard America (1990). There are additionally, noteworthy contrasts that may exist in planning of African American pre-adult, at the degree of raising family rehearses and in schools (1990). That is, schools keep on reflecting recorded qualities that manage racial-generalizations and preference and convictions. Simultaneously there are families attempting to maintain a strategic distance from and make light out of such circumstances. These families and networks keep on demonstrating steadiness by imparting their own convictions and qualities through kid raising which possibly unique in relation to Caucasian Americas. Character and ethnicity as pre-adult issues Identity has been characterized from numerous points of view. It is the idea used to depict a people feeling of who the person in question is (Dashefsky and Shapiro, 1976). Changes in character happen for the duration of the existence cycle, in any case, the adjustments in personality are normally generally remarkable during immaturity. Coordinating a constructive feeling of ethnic character into ones by and large close to home personality is a significant undertaking generally youthfulness (Steinberg, 1996). Ethnic character has been characterized as the part of ones feeling of personality concerning family or racial gathering participation (Steinberg, 1996). Ethnic character improvement is a fundamental human need since it gives a feeling of having a place and verifiable congruity. Ethnic socialization Minority youngsters are gone up against with their ethnicity at a previous age than their lion's share partners (Smith, 1991). Guardians can assist with accelerating the beginning periods of ethnic personality advancement by adopting a functioning strategy to ethnic socialization. Ethnic socialization, as indicated by Steinberg(1996), alludes to the procedure through which guardians show their kids their ethnicity and about the specific encounters they may have with the more extensive society. Ethnic socialization comprises of three topics: 1) understanding ones own way of life, 2) getting along in standard society, and 3) managing bigotry (Steinberg, 1996). Potential results of ethnic personality improvement. There are four different ways to manage ethnicity (Steinberg, 1996): Â ·Assimilationadopting the social standards of the dominant part while dismissing the standards of ones own way of life. Â ·Separationrejecting the dominant part culture and connecting just with individuals from ones own way of life. Â ·Marginalityliving inside lion's share culture however feeling antagonized. Â ·Biculturalismmaintaining binds to the two societies. As indicated by Steinberg (1996) many accept that biculturalism is more fruitful than the other four. With biculturalism minority youth approach the standards of the greater part and minority culture contingent upon the circumstance. References. Â ·Smith, Elise J. Ethnic Identity Development: Toward the Development of A Theory inside the Context of Majority/Minority Status. Diary of Counseling and Development: JCD. v70. n1. Sept. 1991. p. 181-188. Â ·Spencer, Margaret Beale. Youngster Development. v61 n2. Apr. 1990. P. 290-310. Â ·Dashefsky, A. (Eds. ). (1976). Ethnic character in the public eye. Chicago: Rand McNally College Publishing Co. Smith, E. J. (1991). Ethnic personality advancement: Toward the improvement of a hypothesis inside the setting of greater part/minority status. Diary of Counseling and Development, 70, 181-187. Â ·Steinberg, L. (1996). Youth. New York: McGraw-Hill, Inc.

Sunday, August 9, 2020

Setting Boundaries for Stress Management

Setting Boundaries for Stress Management Stress Management Relationship Stress Print Setting Boundaries for Stress Management By Elizabeth Scott, MS twitter Elizabeth Scott, MS, is a wellness coach specializing in stress management and quality of life, and the author of 8 Keys to Stress Management. Learn about our editorial policy Elizabeth Scott, MS Updated on August 01, 2019 Cultura/Photolove/Getty Images More in Stress Management Relationship Stress Effects on Health Management Techniques Situational Stress Job Stress Household Stress Setting boundaries aren’t always easy. The process itselfâ€"letting people know where your needs and limits areâ€"can often be stressful, especially for those who aren’t used to it. When people are used to relationship boundaries that are at a certain point, they can put up a fight if you try to change your boundaries with them, and people (like children) often try to test boundaries among one another. This can all be stressful, especially when you take into account the toll of conflict on stress levels. However, the end result can be well worth it: relationships that involve greater levels of mutual respect, that meet the needs of all parties involved, and that create much less stress for everyone. The first step in setting boundaries is to gain an understanding of where your own personal boundaries lie. How comfortable are you with people getting close to you and taking certain liberties with you? Often, your first clue is the feeling you get when your boundaries have been violated. Because different people have different boundaries, something that bothers others may not bother you, and vice versa. Therefore, it’s important to communicate to others where your comfort levels (and discomfort levels) lie  so that people with different boundaries may be able to keep from violating yours. The following are general guidelines to help you to become more aware of your own personal boundaries. Signs You Need to Work on Boundaries You feel resentful of people asking too much of you, and it seems to happen often.You find yourself saying yes to things you’d rather not do, just to avoid upsetting or disappointing others.You find yourself feeling resentful because you are doing more for others than they are doing for you.You tend to keep most people at an arm’s length because you are afraid of letting people get too close and overwhelming you.You find yourself feeling that most of what you do is for other peopleâ€"and they may not even appreciate it that much.The stress you feel from disappointing others is greater than the stress of doing things that inconvenience or drain you in an effort to please them. Questions to Ask Yourself There are additional questions you should ask yourself when you are looking at specific choices you can make, rather than your feelings in general, that can help you to decide whether or not a boundary needs to be set. The following questions can help you to clarify your boundaries in specific situations, and navigate through future ones: If nobody would be disappointed, would you prefer to say yes or no?Looking at all the benefits and costs of this situation (both tangible and intangible), is it worth the effort to say yes?Would you feel comfortable posing the same request to someone else?If people would be upset with you if you said no, do you truly feel that they are coming from a respectful, reasonable place? (And, if not, might it be time to start setting some limits?)Is this a precedent you want to set? (And, if not, where would be a reasonable place to draw the line?)Think of someone you feel has very healthy boundariesâ€"the kind you would like to emulate. How do you think they would respond in this situation? Once you’ve determined how you are feeling, you can decide if you do indeed wish to set a boundary. In a perfect world, once we are aware of where our personal comfort zones lie, we need simply to communicate that information to others, and a relationship boundary is set. However, quite often in the real world, boundary-setting involves some negotiation, and it doesn’t always go smoothly. People have boundaries of their own that may not match, and they may push for greater distance or closeness for their own reasons. Changing boundaries from the status quo can also cause people to react by trying to reinforce the previous or existing boundaries, sometimes in ways that make us uncomfortable. In this way, setting boundaries can be a struggle. Because we need to think of our own needs as well as the needs and reactions of others, it’s important to be circumspect in setting boundaries. The questions to ask yourself when discovering where your personal boundaries lie are different from the questions may ask yourself when deciding where to actually set your boundaries in specific situations, because they take into account practical factors like the “cost” of setting boundaries. They also allow you to be clear on issues such as guilt (should you feel guilty?) and motivation (is it worth it?) so you can move forward with the least amount of stress. Here are some questions to ask yourself: What is fair here?If you were in the position of the other person, would your solution still appear to be fair?Have you committed to this, or is this an expectation that the other person is placing on you?Is there another solution here that could be more win-win?Does the act of making a change or setting a boundary create more stress than it might alleviate in the long run?When you imagine the results a year from now, do you get a sense that this would be a better solution than what you have now?If you are setting a boundary and you feel the other person is unreasonable in fighting the boundary, and you are willing to let the relationship go rather than feel hurt by the boundary mismatch? It is important to note that you will likely be weighing your own feelings more heavily than the feelings of others  because you must live with the consequences of your decisions. You are also the one who will have to live with the consequences of your choices. Ultimately, we all have our own comfort levels for boundaries, but these questions provide food for thought. Once youve decided where to set your boundary, working on boundary-setting strategies  and assertive communication techniques can bring some nice results in your life.?

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Essay about Adam Smith and Karl Mark Contrasting Views...

The theory of capitalism describes the essential features of capitalism and how it functions. Adam Smith focused his theories on the role of enlightened self-interest led by an invisible hand or incorrectly the invisible guiding hand, and the role of specialisation in promoting the efficiency of capital accumulation. Some proponents of capitalism emphasize the role of free markets, which, they claim, promote freedom and democracy. For many, capitalism hinges on the extension into a global dimension of an economic system in which goods and services are traded with others and capital goods belong to private ownership. To Karl Marx defined capitalism by the creation of a labor market in which most people have to sell their labor in order†¦show more content†¦He described his own preferred economic system as the system of natural liberty. However, Smith defined capital as stock, and profit as the just expectation of retaining the revenue from improvements made to that stock. Smi th also viewed capital improvement as being the proper central aim of the economic and political system. A major difference between Adam Smiths view of economics and that of present day capitalist theory is that Adam Smith viewed value as a product of labor, and thus operated under the Labor Theory of Value, which was used by basically all economists until the Labor Theory of Value became central to Marxism. According to Marx, the treatment of labor as a commodity led to people valuing things more in terms of their price rather than their usefulness, and hence to an expansion of the system of commodities. Marx also observed that some people bought commodities in order to use them, while others bought them in order to sell them on at a profit. Marx defines capital as money and capitalist production as the use of money to denominate wealth in money terms; these labels refer to John Stuart Mills definition of value in a market economy as being the going price for a good or service. Marx expanded on the Labor Theory of Value to show that according to the Labor Theory of Value, which was the theory of value that was used by Adam Smith,Show MoreRelatedModernity and Classical Sociology Theory Essays1855 Words   |  8 Pages Paul de Man once said, â€Å"Modernity exists in the form of a desire to wipe out whatever came earlier, in the hope of reaching at least a point that could be called a true present, a point of origin that marks a new departure.† But what is he really trying to say? Modernity takes out the old and brings in the new, continually upgrading to something else? Modernity appears as a concept of change. It most commonly refers to the social conditions, processes, and discourses resulting from the Age ofRead MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. 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Tuesday, May 12, 2020

An Analysis Of Death, By Emily Dickinson - 1056 Words

In the course of Emily Dickinson’s poems, she has shed some light on how she views death. Like the jumbled feelings before death. The departing soul’s path to ever after, hysteria, or ending up in a void. Some of her poems may seem contradictory or rather different from the other. However, they are all set in place to showcase Emily’s viewpoint that there are many different types of possible outcomes after death. Through these three poems, she has been able to personify death in vastly different forms of lighting. I Heard a Fly Buzz – When I Died represents the idea that there is no â€Å"eternity† after death, only a decomposition that leads to an endless void. Depending on how you look at it, the tone could be of terrible fear, peace or†¦show more content†¦A higher power is believed to take the soul to another life. Through deteriorating senses, the speaker is awaiting this being to grace their presence and guide them to the next realm thought to be, and just before slipping into oblivion the narrator is granted only a measly fly a sign of only decomposition to come. When swindled out of life’s last expectation the soul disperses. A contrasting idea of death appears in Dickinson’s poem Because I Could Not Stop for Death --. Here, death is portrayed as a journey towards â€Å"eternity†. The poem depicts a vision of some sort of afterlife, where the deceased is transported to a realm where time doesn’t exist. This is Dickinson’s view of death through rose-tinted glasses. The poet paints death as a gentleman; as a man willing to wait on the narrator. â€Å"We slowly drove he knew no haste And I had put away my labor and my leisure too, for is civility† the speaker in this poem is able to throw away their leisure for such a gentleman as death. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Discuss substance abuse on the job Free Essays

Substance abuse in the workplace is defined as overdependence on or overindulgence in a certain chemical substance resulting to effects that harm the mental and physical health of the individual or the wellbeing of others. The substance taken by the abuser does not have any medicinal or therapeutic effect on the individual. Substance abuse at the workplace is not a new issue but the problem has affected many companies and business organizations for a long time. We will write a custom essay sample on Discuss substance abuse on the job or any similar topic only for you Order Now Some of the most common substances that are abused in the workplace include alcohol, opium alkaloids, cocaine and barbiturates among others (King and Chassin, 2008: 629-637). Abuse of substances not only affects the workplace but it may also lead to criminal penalty and at the same time the individual involved may be harmed socially, physically and also psychologically depending on the local authority within the individual’s environment. Substance abuse in most cases results to substance dependence or addiction to the substance and so the individual is unable to work without the substance. Individuals who are addicted or dependent on a certain substances need to develop some tolerance for them to cope with the problem and these results to withdrawal symptoms. Substance dependence and abuse are different from substance addiction in that addiction involves duress to using the substance no matter the negative effects of the substance on the individual and in some cases it may involve chemical dependence although not always. Substance dependence implies some kind of abuse although abuse takes place without dependence and in most cases it occurs when an employee first engages in the abuse of the substance. Dependence is a physiological process and on the other hand substance abuse shows an intricate interaction between the individual, the society and the substance abused by the individual (King and Chassin, 2008: 629-637). SUBSTANCE ABUSE IN THE JOB Substance abuse in the workplace is not a new concept and at various instances throughout history there have been issues of substance abuse in the workplace. In the past years the abuse of substances in the work place has encountered a dismissive attitude and so many organizations have tried to adopt working with the problem rather than developing ways to counter the issue. Many organizations have therefore come to a conclusion that substance abuse and especially alcohol abuse in the workplace is not a problem that can easily be secluded from the workplace. Currently it has emerged that substance abuse is detrimental both to the workers and the organization although this concept has not been universally accepted. Most organizations have realized that for them to be internationally competitive they need to deal with the issue of substance abuse among the employees in an effective manner. The following are some of the reasons behind substance abuse in the workplace: Psychological disorders are a cause of substance abuse in cases where some employees use substance abuse so as to reject, adapt to or hide a fundamental psychological disorder. Depression in the workplace may also lead to substance abuse because it affects an individual’s ability to work effectively in the daily activities like caring for family members and going to work. Schizophrenia is also another cause of substance abuse in the workplace. Panic disorder in the workplace leads to periods of irrational fear and this may lead to substance abuse so as to get rid of the fear. Social phobia may also lead to substance abuse. Social phobia affects an individual when he or she has an intense fear of being humiliated socially, this happens when the person does not want to embarrass himself in front of other workmates. Emotional stress may also lead to substance abuse in the workplace. Emotional stress in the workplace may be as a result of a lot of work or difficulties in the family of the affected individual. There are a number of syndromes that may lead to substance abuse in the work place, these include: Austrian syndrome, fetal alcohol syndrome and also the Gulf War syndrome. Harassment in the workplace may also lead to substance abuse as a result of trying to cope with the threats posed by the harassment (wrong diagnosis, 2009). Although the above factors may result to substance abuse in the workplace some individuals may become addicted while others do not. This is because of the following factors: The genes that people are born with are very unique and this means that the level of addiction of people varies due to the genes present. Gender, social status, ethnicity and other mental disorders also affect the level of addiction to a certain substance. An individual’s environment which includes the family, friends, workmates and the quality of life affect the individual’s risk of substance abuse. Peer pressure and parental guidance affect the course of substance abuse and the level of addiction of an individual. The level of addiction vulnerability is affected by developmental stages of the individual. Although substance abuse at any developmental stage may lead to addiction there is evidence to show that the earlier the substance abuse begins the more likely it is to progress to serious cases of addiction. Adolescents have a higher chance of trying substances because their brains are still undergoing development in the sections that determine self-control, decision making and judgment (Robert and Neil, 2009). SYMPTOMS OF SUBSTANCE ABUSE AT THE WORKPLACE Different substances may have differing effects on the overall health of the individual but the pattern of the effects on the individual’s mental and physical health is similar. Acquiring and at the same time using the substance becomes more essential to an individual as compared to everything else like friends, workmates or the family. Substance abuse causes some emotional and physical damages to the individual and so the individual is faced with a problem of functioning in the right way and also the ability of the individual to make appropriate judgments is also affected. Substance abuse affects the brain and the physical body in a direct way as it is the case in some substances that increase the blood pressure and the heart rate. Some substances that act as stimulants in the body for example cocaine increasing the activities of the body resulting to increased blood pressure and therefore the individual lacks the ability to sleep. On the other hand there are some substances that slow down the level of activities in the body for example barbiturates, these substances reduce the blood pressure of the body and also reduce the level of breathing and sometimes it may go to some dangerous levels. There are several physical signs of substance abuse and addiction in the workplace which include some instances of increased energy. This is when an individual is seen to act in a way that shows he or she has some increased energy although the source of the energy may not be known. One major symptom associated with stimulants is restlessness and the lack of sleep by the worker. Although some workers may be naturally restlessness it is always necessary to carefully note any changes in the workers’ levels of restlessness as it may be as a result of substance abuse. Some strange behaviors expressed by the workers may be a symptom of substance abuse, some of these behaviors include: slow reaction time, unusual slow movements, slow speeches or confusion at the workplace. Most of these behaviors are common with those individuals who abuse opium or barbiturates. Another symptom is a rapid loss of weight or in some instances it may be a sudden gain in weight. Cycles of abnormal sleep is also a symptom of substance abuse. A rapid change in the manner of dressing may also be a symptom of substance abuse, for example wearing long sleeved shirts at all times so as to hide the scars caused by injections in the process of substance abuse. An increased severe dental condition is a symptom mostly with those workers who use methamphetamine. If a certain worker is suspected of being in possession of drug paraphernalia like syringes and pipes, this may be an indicator of substance abuse by the worker. A major symptom for those substances that are snorted is severe troubles with nosebleeds or frequent nose bleeding. Substances that are normally smoked have a major symptom of continuous coughs which at high levels of substance abuse may increase to coughing of blood or excessive mucus. Substance abuse affects the mood of the individual because the substance is consumed to provide temporary feelings to the individual. The temporary feeling resulting from substance abuse may vary with the substance used by the individual although the following are the major emotional and mental symptoms of substance abuse. A period of an individual being unusually talkative with a lot of energy or some times the individual becoming unusually cheerful is a major emotional symptom of substance abuse. An increase in the level of verge for violence expressed by the individual is another emotional symptom of substance abuse. Workers who show signs of increased irritability, fury and agitation may be involved in substance abuse. Another major emotional and mental symptom of substance abuse is unexpected calmness or workers becoming unresponsive. Lack of interest and depression may also be an emotional symptom of substance abuse. Other minor emotional and mental symptoms include hallucinations, fear, temporary psychosis and increased anger (Joanna, Jeanne and Deborah, January 2009). Other physical signs that indicate a person is abusing a certain substance or he is under the influence of a certain substance vary from one substance to another, for example: A worker who uses tobacco will have a frequent odor of tobacco, discolored teeth and finger tips. Individuals who use cannabis experience abnormal levels of hunger, excessive happiness and the white parts of their eyes are red in color. Those who use cold medications have slow heart rates and are sleepy at most times. Inhalants are characterized by running noses confusion and irritability of the users. Users of narcotics experience pain at a lower level, slow rates of breathing and excessive happiness. Those who use anabolic steroids experience an increase in their levels of irritability, increased muscle development and loss of hair. Dissociative anesthetics are associated with an increase in the heart rate resulting to increased blood pressure, loss of memory and also increased irritability. Hallucinogens are associated with sleeplessness and blurred perceptions. Club drugs are associated with very active individuals who do not sweat and they also seem to like everyone they meet or having excessive euphoria. The following behavioral symptoms are associated with the abuse of substances. Mood swings: All the substances abused end up producing some changes in the moods of the individual, a person may shift from euphoria to depression. A person who is into abuse of substances may be passive at one time and in the next few minutes he is angry. Personality changes are also a symptom of abuse of substances in the workplace. This is evident in that individuals become depressed and avoid communication with their workmates. Defensiveness is also a symptom of substance abuse in the workplace because individuals blame others and they claim to be accused falsely. Those who are into substance abuse soon become self-centered and they do anything their own way without consulting their workmates. Withdrawal from family activities is also a symptom of workers engaging in substance abuse, this includes rejecting any family events or not eating together with the other family members. Change of friends, for example termination of a long relationship or spending time with suspicious friends is a behavioral symptom of substance abuse. Sudden lack of self discipline and capability to follow rules and regulations in the workplace is a sign of substance abuse too. Work problems like absences, tardiness, avoiding senior staff members, missed deadlines and a drop in the quality of results obtained is a behavioral sign of substance abuse. EFFECTS OF SUBSTANCE ABUSE ON PERFORMANCE AND WORKSAFETY According to the International Labor Organization (ILO), in the recent years there has been an increased realization in many countries concerning the effects of substance abuse on the performance of the employees. The fact that substance abuse is detrimental to both the employees and the organization has been widely accepted in the past few years although the issue has not been recognized universally. Substance abuse does not only affect the performance of the work as a whole but it also results to increased accidents, absenteeism, mortality and illness. These effects of substance abuse are related to the cost of doing business and therefore for businesses to succeed they should come up with ways of reducing substance abuse among the employees. Over the past few years studies have shown that absenteeism is three times higher for substance users compared to other employees (ILO, 2009). Absenteeism has a direct effect on the business in that the business may not achieve its target therefore it may be unable to satisfy its customers and hence a negative reputation from the public in general. Absenteeism due to substance abuse leads to overwork of the other employees which may then result to poor quality of work leading to poor quality goods and reduced sales. Very high rates of absenteeism in an organization as a result of substance abuse may lead to complete closure of the organization due to lack of employees. Study has also shown that employees who are substance abusers may claim three times more sickness benefits compared to the other employees (ILO, 2009). The sick benefits increase the cost of operation of the business and so the business suffers financially because a huge portion of its returns is used to cater for the sick benefits. Workers who are substance dependent file more compensation claims as compared to those who are not, this increases the expenses the organization incurs in litigation processes and therefore it reduces the profitability of the organization. Study has also revealed that almost a quarter of all the accidents that occur in the workplaces are caused by intoxicated workers who either harm themselves or end up harming other workmates, this reduces the performance of the organization as resources are used in treating the injured. Accidents due to intoxication of some workers also lead to absence of workers which is fatal to the organization (ILO, 2009). As a result of increased research in the area of substance abuse and work performance it is evident that the problems in the workplace as a result of substance abuse are not restricted to alcoholics and drug addicts only. Although alcoholics and heavy drinkers are groups most likely to cause accidents in the workplaces their numbers are quite low in most of the workplaces. Due to this moderate and occasional drinkers are responsible for most accidents in the workplace resulting due to alcohol or intoxication. The level of consumption of some substances is directly related to the performance of the individual. According to a research carried out to investigate the effects of alcohol on the performance of pilots, it was noted that before any consumption of alcohol 10% of the pilots could not carry out their operations in the right manner. After consumption of alcohol up to an alcohol-blood concentration of 0. 11/100ml of blood, 90% of the pilots could not perform all the necessary operations in the right way. After all the alcohol had gotten out of their systems 65% of the pilots could not carry out all their operations in the right way (ILO, 2009). A similar research to the one carried on pilots was carried on workers who use other types of substances and the results were almost the same. This is a clear indication of the fact that substance abuse negatively affects the performance of workers therefore leading to poor results. Research has identified not only those areas that are at the risk of substance abuse but it has also identified the reasons behind the occurrence of substance abuse problems in some industries and not in all industries. Out of a number of major workplaces that were researched upon the following were identified as the areas that are most likely to be affected by substance abuse: construction industry, military, transport sector, catering sector, maritime sector and the entertainment services industry. Workers who are of a lower status and young are more likely to indulge into substance abuse and hence their performance in the workplace is quite low. The other groups of workers who reduce the performance of their industries due to substance abuse are lawyers, doctors, police officers and company directors. The performance of workers who engage themselves in substance abuse is highly affected due to the fact that this group of workers tends to fall sick more frequently as compared to the other workers and therefore their level of performance is below the optimum. Substance abuse also affects organizations in that it lowers the productivity of the organization because of absenteeism, accidents and health issues related to the workers. Family problems also occur due to substance abusing and these problems may end up being extended to the workplace, for example a husband who is into substance abuse may cause problems in his home that may affect the productivity of the wife in her workplace. Job loss is another effect of substance abuse and these leads to lack of enough workers in the workplace and therefore the productivity of the organization is greatly affected. Substance abuse affects the employers in that it leads to safety problems that affect the whole organization, the employees and the general public and it also increases the costs incurred by the organization, decreases the productivity of the organization and reduces the competitive advantage of the organization. Security of most enterprises whose workers are into substance abuse is also affected because some substances may cause individuals to be angry and violent. Violence in any enterprise affects the performance of the enterprise because the workers are not freely working as they fear being affected by actions of those workers who are into substance abuse. Substance abuse also leads to continued disagreements in the workplace and therefore the workers spend a lot of time arguing, this time would have however been spent in productive activities of the enterprise. Health issues that are as a result of substance abuse affect the performance of the workers; a good example of this is the case of alcohol. Excessive consumption of alcohol leads to health problems as a result of liver failure, workers who are affected by this condition may find it difficult to work at their normal rates and this causes them to reduce their performance level in the workplace. Employers will mostly make the decision of not adopting substance testing policies because they assume that they will confidently detect the abuse of substances among their employees. Regrettably the effects of substance use are rarely noticeable in the first stages until the employers have greatly incurred losses as a result of substance abuse. Those beginning substance abuse are not likely to portray the typical characteristics of a substance user although the substance in his body affects the ability of the employee to function efficiently. At the entry level of the substance the employee has shifted from the recreational use of the substances and now the substances are required by the employees to help them cope with their daily stress. The major effects of the abuse on the employee performance at this stage are seen by: increased tardiness and absenteeism, an increase in the rate of errors as a result of lack of attention and proper judgment and the increase in the number of unachieved deadlines at the workplace. At the second stage the employee develops a habit of using the substance in secret place so as to hide the increase in the intake from other workers. At this stage the employee develops the following problems lower quality of work notable by all people even the workmates, lower levels of concentration in the workplace, high rates of hospitalization leading to increased absenteeism and the employee is no longer dependable. At this point the co-workers can feel the effect of the substance abuse as the abuser becomes more irritable and begins to borrow money from workmates. At the third stage the employer begins to notice although the employer may not clearly see the relation between the poor work performance and the substance abuse. This stage is also characterized by the abuser disappearance from work and the refusal to discuss the issue of substance abuse with other people. At this stage the abuser no longer hides the use of the substance and he or she suffers from financial or legal issues. The last stage is when the abuser sees the work as an obstacle to his substance use and therefore he or she might accept drug test so as to be laid off or the abuser may just disappear from work (Elliot and Shelley, 2009). AMELIORATIVE ACTIONS According to the U. S Department of labor, the issue of workplace substance abuse is best dealt with by establishing all-inclusive programs so as to achieve a win-win situation to both the workers and the employers. Developing a workplace program to deal with substance abuse at the workplace can reduce the cost incurred by businesses and at the same time improve the health status of the workers (U. S Department of Labor). There is no accurate model that can be perfect for a specific company but the needs and the circumstances of the individual organization are what determine the kind of program to adopt in solving substance abuse in the workplace. Training education is another action that can be taken to counter substance abuse in organizations. The supervisors are trained to understand the policy governing the issues of substance abuse in the organization so that they are able to correctly identify those employees who are in the vice and then refer them to the appropriate people for assistance; say counselors. The employees also need to be educated about the substance abuse program adopted by the organization so that they learn of any assistance that is available to them from the organization. Depending on the size of the organization it may either adopt an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) within the organization or outsource the program to other organizations specialized in the area. Drug testing is another action that can be used to reduce cases of substance abuse in organizations. In this method the employees are tested for certain chemicals in their bodies and if the levels are too high then the employees are laid off from the organization depending with the formulated policies of the organization. The method is not feasible to many organizations because the drug test package is very expensive and drug testing is not allowed in all countries. Developing a strong discipline within the organization is a good option for those organizations that cannot afford the drug test (Patrick, 2009). In conclusion substance abuse has fatal effects on organizations both to the management and the employees. Substance abuse should therefore be eliminated in the workplace as it can lead to severe damages to the organization and at times it may also lead to the complete failure of an organization if the number of abusers is at a high level. Substance abuse not only affects the organization and the employee but it also affects the public as a whole. How to cite Discuss substance abuse on the job, Papers

Saturday, May 2, 2020

The Importance of Market Research in the Healthcare Industry free essay sample

One way to understand a particular consumer market is by studying and evaluating the current marketing techniques of a similar business or organization. Marketing research in healthcare primarily comes from two sources; the primary source is collected feedback from patients and of the secondary source is gained from research and data gathered already existing in the marketplace. Like many industries healthcare is a rapidly involved marketplace sue them marketing research is a continued process. Like any other industry marketing research will help in the strategic planning toward quality healthcare and will provide metrics by which to drive planning direction. â€Å"Various issues like cost analysis, infrastructure, healthcare equipment, health insurance market and hospital services are covered in market research activities. † (Demand for Market Research in Healthcare, 2012). Without marketing research the health care industry would have trouble determining what new project proposals to move forward with and what is becoming outdated. The marketing research is an important strategizing tool to assist with the rising cost of healthcare by focusing their efforts financially by making decisions based on the best market. We will write a custom essay sample on The Importance of Market Research in the Healthcare Industry or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Scorecards are given out to patient once they have left the Virginia Mason healthcare facility. The scorecards are a survey of generalized questions asking the patient to rate their experiences at a recent appointment. This primary source of data that is collected is used to determine the patients’ satisfaction with the level of service the patient receive. This piece of iagnostic functional marketing research is valuable data to the specific healthcare facility the patient last visited because it is specific to his or her experience and location where he or she was a patient at. The data collected can be used to analyze what products or services need reevaluating and possible improvements. The descriptive function of marketing research would be to look at past trends of procedures that are performed within the hospital. This is how the hospital will determine what procedures they do best and what procedures they would like to increase. Managing marketing research will take the information gathered from the descriptive functions and diagnostic functions and use this information and research in a predictive function strategy. The predictive function in marketing research is how the healthcare organization can look at new opportunities and opportunities for improvement based on the predictions from the descriptive and diagnostic research. For most people receiving healthcare is an ongoing need throughout ones life. Therefore, important function of managing marketing research in healthcare knows how to keep repeat patients for all their other healthcare needs. Building a long-term loyalty with patients means more to a healthcare facility that just their repeat service but also the referrals and word of mouth of a patient satisfied with the quality and level of health care the patent received. Keeping the quality of healthcare at a high professional level is also important to minimize the dissatisfaction of a patient because negative feedback can be very damaging to the reputation of a healthcare facility. Like technology healthcare has many advancements and changes that happen quickly. It is important where the marketing research to keep up with the technology advancements in this constantly changing and improving industry. The marketing research can help managers make some predictions based on trends from past technology advancements. It can be difficult and very costly to keep up with all the new technologies so the research should help management to develop an understanding of what will be most cost-effective technology that will help with the patients needs. Marketing research is important in the healthcare industry because the research will help to focus the direction of a healthcare facility and where the healthcare facility should focus based on their target market and patient needs. Focusing the direction and finances will help to eliminate financial waste on projects that will not meet the needs of their patients. References Demand for Market research in Healthcare. (2012). Retrieved from http://globalhealthcarenetwork. com/page/demand-for-market-research-in-healthcare John Wiley Sons, Inc. (2007). Marketing Research. Retrieved from John Wiley Sons, Inc, MKT 441 website.

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Wag The Dog free essay sample

The movie Wag the Dog was very interesting and immediately led my mind to wonder about the actions of politicians today. In Wag the Dog I liked how from Moots perspective he was not going through with a scam, however he was simply doing what he loved most, producing a movie. While I do believe those events do take place today, I am almost certain they are not to that effect. The media is a huge distraction to people of all age groups. Media Is a business In Itself, In my opinion the purpose of media has shifted from simply entertainment to the way we think and what Is lived to be ethical.Majority of the time I believe the media comes up with a new story or event to shift the attention of colleens or provide other Information In which favors a certain side. I believe this Is all In effort to get people to focus on a primary Issue, topic, or Idea, Instead of a major occurrence In the political world. We will write a custom essay sample on Wag The Dog or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In the film numerous people went through many lengths to ensure the Image of the president was of good standing. I think the press are manipulated by politicians more often than we think.Everyday there is something new happening involving people of a Geiger officer and it is a priority to be sure the American citizens do not find out. If they do not go through with scams, such as in the movie then everything would fall apart. Information that they want people to know is all that gets leaked. While what is important and the true issue at hand gets brushed under the rug and forgotten about. I personally do believe politicians partake in scams very frequently, because they are very aware of the repercussions that may occur once individuals become aware of certain information.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Profile of Emilio Jacinto of the Philippines

Profile of Emilio Jacinto of the Philippines   Whether their skin be dark or white, all human persons are equal; one may be superior in knowledge, in wealth, in beauty, but not in being more human. - Emilio Jacinto, Kartilya ng Katipunan. Emilio Jacinto was an eloquent and brave young man, known as both the soul and the brain of the Katipunan, Andres Bonifacios revolutionary organization.  In his short life, Jacinto helped to lead the fight for Filipino independence from Spain.  He laid out principles for the new government envisioned by Bonifacio; in the end, however, neither man would survive to see the Spanish overthrown. Early Life Not much is known about Emilio Jacintos early life.  We do know that he was born in Manila on December 15, 1875, the son of a prominent merchant.  Emilio received a good education, and was fluent in both Tagalog and Spanish.  He went to the San Juan de Letran College briefly. Deciding to study law, he transferred to the University of Santo Tomas, where a future president of the Philippines, Manuel Quezon, was among his classmates. Jacinto was just 19 years old when news arrived that the Spanish had arrested his hero, Jose Rizal.  Galvanized, the young man left school and joined with Andres Bonifacio and others to form the Katipunan, or Highest and Most Respected Society of the Children of the Country.  When the Spanish executed Rizal on trumped-up charges in December of 1896, the Katipunan rallied its followers to war. Revolution Emilio Jacinto served as the spokesperson for the Katipunan, as well as handling its finances.  Andres Bonifacio was not well-educated, so he deferred to his younger comrade on such matters.  Jacinto wrote for the official Katipunan newspaper, the Kalayaan.  He also penned the official handbook of the movement, called the Kartilya ng Katipunan.  Despite his young age of just 21, Jacinto became a general in the groups guerrilla army, taking an active role in the fight against the Spanish near Manila. Unfortunately, Jacintos friend and sponsor, Andres Bonifacio, had gotten into a heated rivalry with a Katipunan leader from a wealthy family called Emilio Aguinaldo.  Aguinaldo, who led the Magdalo faction of Katipunan, rigged an election to have himself named president of the revolutionary government.  He then had Bonifacio arrested for treason.  Aguinaldo ordered the May 10, 1897 execution of Bonifacio and his brother.  The self-proclaimed president then approached Emilio Jacinto, trying to recruit him to his branch of the organization, but Jacinto refused. Emilio Jacinto lived and fought the Spanish in Magdalena, Laguna.  He was seriously injured in a battle at the Maimpis River in February of 1898, but found refuge in the Santa Maria Magdalena Parish Church, which now boasts a marker noting the event. Although he survived this wound, the young revolutionary would not live for much longer.  He died on April 16, 1898, of malaria.  General Emilio Jacinto was just 23 years old. His life was marked with tragedy and loss, but Emilio Jacintos enlightened ideas helped to shape the Philippine Revolution.  His eloquent words and humanist touch served as a counter-balance to the blunt ruthlessness of revolutionaries such as Emilio Aguinaldo, who would go on to become the first president of the new Republic of the Philippines. As Jacinto himself put it in the Kartilya, The worth of a person is not in being a king, not in the shape of his nose or the whiteness of his face, nor in being a priest, representative of God, nor in the loftiness of the position he holds on this earth.  That person is pure and truly noble, even though he was born in the forest and knows no language but his own, who is possessed of good character, is true to his word, has dignity and honor, who does not oppress others nor help their oppressors, who knows how to feel for and care for his native land.

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Internet Banking Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words

Internet Banking - Case Study Example The report also has certain recommendations before the concluding words. In the present era of globalisation and privatisation, the only word that is presumed to be constant is the word 'change' itself. With the effects of globalisation reaching all nook and corners of the world along with the remarkable development and innovation in the field of communication and technology, the tricks of the trade are changing very fast. The development of communication and technology has definitely make the world much smaller and brought it within the periphery of our living room. The satellite television and the electronic media have kept the world on its toes by their commendable coverage. But the most beneficial has been the evolution of internet. Internet and its allied services have really done wonders in almost every aspect of life. The commercial world has been one of the most beneficial sectors from the upsurge of internet. The internet covers almost all the aspects of life. The online aspects have really made the financial world much better place to be it. Mo st importantly it has brought in the transparency and promptness that was long due. Among the various financial sub-sectors, it is the commercial banks that are the most important. And the introduction of internet in the daily operation of such financial banks have made the transaction all the most beneficial for all the concerned parties be it the valued customers, be it the commercial bank, be it the government or the monetary authority be it the media. Online Banking In simple words, online banking is referred as the internet banking where the customer can operate and transact from any computer or terminal through internet and need not be present at the bank branch. The online banking is basically operated from a secured website (https) and the customer of the bank is provided with a specified 'login' and secret 'password', through which he can initiate almost all the operations that is done at the bank branch like that of account statement, fund transfers and bill payments, etc. With in the purview of the online banking also fall the debit and the credit cards. Debit card deals with withdrawing money from one's account from any counter of the banks' or other banks; anywhere in the world (the card has to be supported by the withdrawing bank). The credit card assists the holder to have a certain specified sum of money from the bank even if he does not have the money in his account, in lieu of a loan, again any where in the world (where the card is supported). The debit and the credit cards are also used to pay bills at the major brands like that for travelling, shopping and dinning. The cards, an important aspect of online banking have made life easier for billions as one does not have to carry cash while travelling any more. With the advent of mobile technology and increasing use of internet through the GPRS and WAP enabled mobile handsets, the facilities of banking is with in one's

Monday, February 3, 2020

Reading notes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 8

Reading notes - Essay Example All he wants is to lure Florinda so that he can bed her. However, Florinda is not ready for that. He then tries to rape her, but Belvile appears. That stops the sexual abuse, but Willmore discourages Florinda from reporting the matter to the police. He blames the beauty of Florinda for his sexual arousal and provocation (Scene 3, ln 42-44). Some of the other characters think of Willmore as a rapist and a liar. Florinda and Belvile think that he is a pretender and a rapist when he attempts to rape Florinda. He is an opportunist. He takes the advantage of the serene environ at the garden when Florinda is alone. He is like Blunt in that Blunt vows to rape and defile Florinda. He argues that it will be revenge for the charm that the women use to the men through their irresistible beauties (Scene 4.5, ln 48-51). He is a contrast to other characters such as Pedro, who believe in equality and the fight against violence on

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Impacts Of Globalisation On The Economy Politics Essay

Impacts Of Globalisation On The Economy Politics Essay Globalization is driven by a combination of economic, technological, socio-cultural, political, and biological factors, integrating worldwide government policies and financial markets through trade and exchange of ideas. Several Factors has fuelled the pace of globalisation; technology, especially communications technology, transportation, deregulation and liberalisation of economic policies, free trade, removal of capital exchange controls, change in consumer awareness and wants and emerging markets in developing countries (MOHAMMED). The world is undergoing a continual transitional process as numerous people, societies, institutions and organisations of varying interests across the globe partake in this expansion. (Mohammed R). Also, whilst economic, social, political and cultural systems across societies become increasingly interdependent and complex, the old world order of managing economies and international relations is being rendered inadequate (Mohamed R). In this transitional flux, the future of the world society appears far from stable (Wallerstein). (i)Economy The ever growing dependence between global economies resulting from international trade of goods, services, finances and technological development paved the way for a global economy. Economic globalisation refers to the continual growth and reciprocated integration of world markets and is an unalterable trend which has been developing at an unprecedented rate since the turn of the twentieth century. Rapid technological development, particularly in areas of information and communication, are the two main forces that have fuelled economic globalisation (Gao). Further the expansion of science and technology has substantially reduced the cost of transportation and communication, making economic globalisation a smoother process (Gao). Centralised economies shifted focus to market economies and market oriented reform through world bodies like GATT, WTO, IMF and World Bank galvanised this process. Many countries have steadily reduced their tariff and other blockades whilst implement flexibl e financial policies (Gao). The development of the financial sector to serve the needs of international trade and investment actions has come to be the most influential aspect of economic globalisation. As the main ambassadors of globalisation, Multinational Corporations (MNC), like McDonald, Coca Cola and Levi amongst others are organising production and allocating resources worldwide with a view to maximising profit. Their global developments are altering and restructuring macro-economic systems across global economies.(Gao) The expansion of economic globalisation also resulted in the reshaping and restructuring of global industrial structures and activities. In recent years, developed western countries and the US, whilst taking advantage of the knowledge economy, have shifted many of their labour intensive industries with poor global competitiveness, to developing countries. Conversely, due to the existence of productivity surplus since the dismantling of the Soviet Union, international competition has intensified amongst enterprises from different countries. In order to leverage their international competitiveness, enterprises are resorting to swift mergers and acquisitions, resulting in a wave of industrial reorganization. Similarly, developed countries, taking advantage of the low wage structure in developing nations, set up factories there. However, if the labour laws are altered or stricter rules introduced to govern the manufacturing process, then these factories are closed down and relocated to o ther countries with more favourable policies.(shanta Sharma). With better access to technology and liberalising of policies, developed countries are capable of producing higher quality goods at lower prices. This gives them the advantage of favourable balance of trade and thus a greater control over global financial resources and wider markets. As the biggest benefactors of economic globalisation, the United States and other Western countries have wielded considerable economic and cultural power by taking advantage of their control over international economic and financial organisations to encourage and determine the development of globalisation.(Wallerstein) Developing countries have been playing a central role in the process of economic globalisation and this is mirrored in the fact that they establish the regulations for international economic exchanges. Whilst the globalisation process has enabled developing economies to strengthen their market position by, initiating better technologies, introducing foreign capital and management experience, they also face enormous risks. Several reports indicate that globalisation has increased rather than reduced the gap between the developed and developing countries. Secondly, these countries also face the threat of being unfavourably impacted by external factors. Under open market situations, the difference between the realisation of outside economic stability and internal economic stability puts a substantial limit on their macro-economies, weakening their control and regulation.(Gao) According to a recent United Nations Development Report (1996), whilst globalisation has been a catalyst in reducing poverty and enhancing the quality of life worldwide, for e.g. since the 1970s significant developments in China and India have played a major role in reduction of world poverty, the fact remains that economic growth is not balanced across the globe.(Shanta Sharma) The world today is so interconnected that the collapse of the subprime mortgage market in the U.S. has led to a global financial crisis and recession on a scale not seen since the Great Depression. Government deregulation and failed regulation of Wall Streets investment banks were important contributors to the crises.(Shanta Sharma) Globalisation in itself cannot bring about an equitable and rational new international economic order and an expansion in which developing countries are unable to evade the boomerang effects of globalisation or fully enjoy its benefits. (Wallerstein). (ii) Social As a consequence of the continual process of globalisation a diverse world in transition is surfacing, with significant de-localisation in social and economic changes (Mohamed R). Its one where change in socio-economic conditions is rendered by impersonal, non-institutional and non-ideological forces. Whilst the last quarter of the twentieth century has seen significant increase in communications, there is considerable decrease in person to person contact (Mohamed R). Many of the activities that involved face to face dealings are now conducted over larger distances. Activities and dealings have been displaced from local origins and cultures increasingly causing people to deal with distant systems. Banking and retailing for instance have implemented new technologies that entail less person to person interaction..(infed globalization) As a social and cultural process, globalization is increasingly exposing people to different ways of thinking, cultural values and family norms. (Jorg Grahm). Globalization is a phenomenon created through human activity and that in turn constantly changes human behavior and activity and has helped shape online communities. This has led to the evolution of new identities for people and a new phase of acculturation; new ideas, new methods of work, life and governance are being shared worldwide. Now more than ever, not only societal, but intra-familial issues are also being influenced by globalization (Jorg Graham). Globalizations most profound effect is on changing gender roles and the empowerment of women. Global proliferation of communication carries ideas and currents across continents, sensitizing people in remote areas to similar agendas and promoting mutual programs, promoting greater social justice and equality. One such example is the global campaign against brand names that exploit child labor. Whilst universal equality was the fundamental social and cultural value of traditional internationalism, contemporary globalizations only commitment is in perfecting the market it turns, including all cultural products into commodities. Whilst selling is universal, production is always local. In a social context, the basic ideology of globalization is not equality, but difference. Globalization unites the markets and divides individuals, as humans can be best used for purposes of global marketing if they act as individual consumers (shanta Sharma). Religion, region, language, caste, nationality and ethnicity are used to dismantle working class solidarities or to prevent them from emerging at the work place or residential communities. (Shanta Sharma). Whilst the current social order pretends to be an active one, increasingly headed towards a growing similarity of living conditions in all countries, it cannot counteract the fact that several thousands are still deprived of the basic ne cessities of a decent life. Racial unrest in Europe today is also a direct result of unrestricted legal and illegal immigration of people of different values, particularly those from North Africa and Asia. Whilst immigration has caused a sense of loss of their identity, they refuse to integrate into the host society to hold on to their allegiances. (Maddock) (iii) Cultural Cultural globalization refers to an increase in the exchange of cultural practices between countries and peoples involving the movement of ideas, information, images and people. Although practiced for thousands of years, economic and political globalization has contributed to a spurt in cultural globalization in recent decades. Giant strides in technology and communications, particularly the internet has been the single most important factor in breaking cultural boundaries across the globe facilitating immediate communication between people of varying lifestyles and cultures.(infed) . Additionally, new technologies and their utilization like commercial air travel, satellite television and mass communications and the internet have created a world where billions now consume and share identical cultural products sports, music, lifestyles, languages, entertainment as not evidenced before, determining a new global culture(Fabian global forum global know- gloablisation). In recent decades, there is a growing shift in power away from the nation state toward multinational corporations with the rise and globalization of brands like Coca Cola and McDonald. Employing a market strategy to establish their brands as an essential part of the way people see themselves they have captured a large global market, particularly the younger generation.(infed). With rapid strides in technology and communication, a new modern wave is emerging from the West and America; something that is defined as a popular culture. This new cultural globalization has easily transcended borders, reaching poor and rich countries alike, making no distinction. In developing countries it can be witnessed in a western style of dressing, use of cellular phones and popular usage of the English language among other things, bring about deep-seated changes in conventional local cultures, values and traditions (Louis de Lamare) Rising as a tributary to economic globalization, cultural globalization is slowly replacing the traditional nation-state and homogenizing cultures and conversely a loss of individual, national and ethnic cultural identities. Whilst cultural globalization can be a profoundly enriching process, opening minds to new ideas, experiences and strengthening the finest universal values of humanity, it also brings intrusions into the local norms, cultures and traditions of individual countries. Many cultures, particularly indigenous people, treasure their culture as their richest heritage, without which they have no roots or soul. Their culture cannot be quantified. (Levin). Many believe that such rampant exposure to foreign culture is undermining their own cultural identity. Whilst capitalism favors a fast paced environment and consumer culture, its a matter of conflict for other socialist societies are used to a different lifestyle and want to preserve their traditions.(lous Lamare) . Violen t reactions against the West by elements within Islamic society can be seen in this light.(Levin). Asian values are described as those embodying the ideals of respect, hard word, thrift and the belief of the importance of the community over the individual. These are coupled with preferences for economic, social and cultural rights, rather than political ones..(Mohamed R) In doing so, they have been able to protect and nurture their traditions in the face of utilitarian modernity, slack morals and globalization (Mohamed R) Another dimension to the negative aspects of cultural globalization is the imposing of one nations culture on another. The early 1990s attempts by the United States to dolphin ban sanctions against Mexico lead to heated governmental confrontations between the two countries. The issue was not that dolphins were endangered or even threatened species, but simply American cultural mores against the killing of these animals. The Japanese whaling issue has also come under a similar cultural scanner.(Levin) Conversely, many researchers also believe that globalization has a positive impact on the homogenizing effect of national cultures. Large television networks in India have given people a wider exposure and understanding of cultures in their own nation, reaffirming their own local traditions. (iv) Political Political globalization refers to an increasing trend toward multilateralism, in which the United Nations plays a key role, toward an emerging transnational state, and toward the emergence of national and international nongovernmental organizations that act as guardians over governments. Far reaching political changes have arisen from increased economic and social globalization, with developing or newly developed economics becoming even more dependent on the activities of developed economies such as the US where there is a centralization of capital and technical expertise.(Mohamed R) . The policies of national governments in capitalist countries are mainly determined by two important dynamics: the first is the state of the national process of capital accumulation and its relative international strength; the second is the balance of class forces both nationally and internationally.(Mohamed R) As a result, globalization has reduced of power of national governments to direct and influence their economies. Shift in economic activities in Japan or US are impacted all over the globe. The internationalization of financial markets, of technology and of some manufacturing and services bring with them a new set of limitations upon the freedom of action of nation states.(Mohamed R). To survive this market drive political globalization, it is deemed necessary for governments to handle the pressures of trans-national market forces as well as domestic economies. Whilst the influence of the nation states may have diminished as a part of the globalization process, it has not all together disappeared. The nation state remains as pivotal institution in creating conditions for effective national governance (Mohamed R). On a political map, whilst national boundaries are well demarcated, those indicating financial and industrial activity have largely overlapped or disappeared. Globalization has undermined the nation state, not only by shrinking resources under the national control for shaping economic and social outcomes, but it has reduced government legitimacy and control in the eyes of the public. (Mohamed R). The decline in national power and sovereignty in globalization is attributable to two important factors. One reflects the magnitude and velocity of international economic exchanges eroding the states capabilities and the other is the extent to which market relations across borders is diminishing the citizens attachment to national authority, reducing the states legitimacy. Citizens increasingly understand the relative economic strengths and weakness of their countries as products of specific national political arrangements and of different national cultures and not as the result of diverse national advantages. Contemporary politics in developed nations shows an increasing distrust of elected representatives. Unregulated flow of capital, labor, information from outside their country, resulting in unemployment delocalization of industry, immigrants, infiltration of undesirable material through the net are all attributed to poor government policies in allowing such lapses. Paradoxically , this one outcome of globalization is assisting governments to refocus political attention on the role of the state on the boundaries of national territory. In many advanced countries a new political camp has emerged to reinforce national control at the frontiers. (Mohamed R). Conclusion Globalisation involves the diffusion of ideas, practices and technologies and the increase of worldwide social relations which link distant localities, significantly impacting on the economic, social, cultural and political dimensions of nations and its peoples. Globalization, however, is not a new phenomenon. It has existed in at various levels since the development of agriculture (Mohamed R). While it saw a spurt in the late nineteenth century, it slowed down during the period from the First World War until the third quarter of the twentieth century (Shanta Sharma). This slowdown can be attributed to the inward-looking policies pursued by a number of countries in order to protect their respective industries. However, it was with the dismantling of the Soviet Union and destruction of the Berlin Wall that contemporary globalisation commenced, giving rise to a transitional world society. The recent recession has seen corporations and institutions from developed nations moving their focus to developing countries, particularly in the East. Cheap labour, relaxed industrial norms and the capacity to shift base at short notice to countries with more favourable policies have all significantly impacted on economic globalisation. The import of raw materials from developing nations is another advantage. Multinational corporations have shifted power away from the nation state with their brand globalization. However, whilst research does indicate that globalisation has been able to alleviate global poverty, it has in many respects deepened the gap between the rich and poor nations. Economic globalisation has brought in its wake significant and far reaching changes in socio-cultural activities as well as politics. With an increase in the exchange of cultural practices, attributable largely to the internet, there is on one hand a homogenization of cultures and the transgression and loss of national ethnicity and cultures. Further, globalization has undermined the nation state, not only by shrinking resources under the national control for shaping economic and social outcomes, but it by reducing governmental legitimacy. There is an increasing trend toward multilateralism, in which the United Nations plays a main part, toward an emerging transnational state. In this constant state of flux, it is difficult to say whether an equilibrium state of world society can be achieved.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Does advertising help or harm us? Essay

Advertisements are a great way to make people aware of products, issues, and more, But advertising become a problem to society. It gets us to spend all kinds of money on products and things that we really do not need. First, Advertising is harmful to the mental health of the majority of population across the world because it puts teenagers and children especially in doubt of their worth and beauty. For example, there are so many advertisements out there showing â€Å"perfect† woman, and this just makes young girls feel badly about themselves. It’s like telling them that they have to buy products to look pretty or smart and to be able to being accepted in society. So, this can lead to bigger issues. Second , Advertisements are everywhere people go. It’s nearly impossible to go anywhere without seeing an advertisement because the sheer volume of advertising in our society is incredible. for instance , You cannot watch television, ride on a bus or even walk down the street without someone trying to sell you something or inform you of something. People do not like so much of advertising in their lives. It sets their minds buzzing what to buy and what not to buy. Advertising is an exploitative tool, No one really needs any of the items on sale and it takes away the real sense of choice. Due to these reasons I feel ads is harmful. So, Take a stand and don’t let advertising harm your life.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Cask of Amontillado

However, in any situation, it would be more beneficial to let the anger go, instead of plotting a huge revenge plan. And what can be scary, is the intellectual people who know what they want and how to achieve that. It's very hard to escape an intelligent persons plan for revenge against you, especially when they are 100% set on seeking their revenge. In Edgar Allan Pope's short story, an idea is conveyed that cunning and sly people, when wronged by others, will use their intelligence to pursue the goal of revenge.! While this story is an entertaining piece of work, it also includes symbols to keep he reader engaged throughout the story.Poe writes with the idea that pride could lead us to do unthinkable things, which can also lead us into becoming too naive and blind toward our own actions. Mentors approaches Fortunate during the carnival. And the carnival can be seen as a symbol for the madness going through Mentor's head. Mentors claims that Fortunate inflicted a â€Å"thousand in juries† on him, and we never really find out what these Injuries were. Perhaps Fortunate TLD even mean to Insult Mentors, but Mentors Just takes Fortune's loopy Ignorance for Insults.Or maybe Fortunate has In fact been inflicting injury on Mentors since days of childhood, and the carnival symbolizes that Mentors has literally gone mad, and he wants to use his knowledge about his previous revenge plots to kill Fortunate. Poe also uses Fortune's clothing as a symbol â€Å"he had on a tight-fitting party-striped dress, and his head was surmounted by the conical cap and bells,† a court Jester or clowns outfit to symbolize that Mentors is to make a fool out of Fortunate and humiliate him to death, and low him to think about his actions as he dies a long, slow death.This Just goes to show how evil and cunning Mentors and his thoughts can be.! To start, in the title including the word â€Å"cask† in it. A cask is a wine barrel, but cask is also a short form for casket, which is a coffin. Therefore, cask figuratively represents Fortune's casket. Fortune's name is also related to irony, because it means â€Å"fortunate† in Italian. This means that he is one of good fortune and luck, however, he about to face his slow and inhumane death.Dramatic irony is occurring when the deader becomes painfully aware of what will become of Fortunate even though the character continues his descent into the catacombs in pursuit of the Amontillado. There are also numerous examples of verbal irony within Mentor's sentences. Mentors expresses concern about Fortune's health, and several times he suggests that they should turn back for fear that Fortune's cough will worsen as a result of the cold and dampness of the catacombs (this is also Mentors using reverse psychology to keep Fortunate wanting to emerge deeper into the catacombs).One of the most memorable lines of the story is given by Mentors in response to Fortunate saying, â€Å"l will not die of a cough. † Mentors says, â€Å"True, true†¦. † Other examples can be seen when Mentors toasts Fortune's long life as well as when he says that he is a mason, but not in the sense that Fortunate means. â€Å"In pace requisites! † (â€Å"Rest in peace! â€Å") is the last bit of irony in the tale. â€Å"In pace† also refers to a very secure monastic prison. Poe uses irony to reveal how Mentors is only masking his true intentions and covers it with sugar-coated-kindness to keepFortunate thinking the two are good friends.! The use of imagery is great in this story, because it helps create multiple tones and moods throughout Mentors and Fortune's walk into the catacombs. When the story is first set in a carnival, the mood is bright and happy with all the flashing lights and smiling people around having a good time. And as the two â€Å"friends† reach farther into the catacombs, it starts to get more dark and musky, setting a more horrid and dark mood. The piles of skeletons represent the death and decline of the noble family over the years.The Motto said meeting about how no one could insult the family and live; these both give a clue both to the history of family pride and insanity, and to hint at the fact that the protagonist is imagining his â€Å"thousand injuries†. It is also thought that the setting of the story represents Mentor's soul, where he appears to be bright and happy on the In conclusion, this story reminds us that when we stop to think about our actions, as Mentors did not, we would realize that violence is never the right answer to solve our problems. Poe uses great literally devices in his story to put more emphasis on the theme of revenge.The type of revenge Mentors sets out is evil and should not have been the way to achieve vengeance, nobody deserves to die because of something they did. It's weird though, how at the end of the story, I felt a sense of accomplishment for Mentors. And I felt k with Fortuna te dying, perhaps this is because of how Fortunate insulted Mentors and it seemed like Mentors had to get revenge to feel that sensation. This makes it even more clear that Mentors uses his sly personality and intellectual behavior to accomplish his plot of revenge on his use to be friend, by burying him alive.