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string(64) possibly purchase extravagance style items when they have a high income. Official Summary The current paper is an outline ...

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Macbeth Essays - English-language Films, British Films, Free Essays

Macbeth Essays - English-language Films, British Films, Free Essays Macbeth Macbeth: a Tragic Hero A tragic hero is a person whos life is determined by four elements: fate, weakness (in Macbeths case, fear), poor decision making, and the realization of flaws with inability to prevent the oncoming tragedy. First of all, fate is defined as the power or force held to predetermine events. Fate makes its first appearance in the play when Lady Mac receives Macbeths letter which tells of the witches prophecies. At this point, Lady Mac is stricken with fear because she is afraid that Macbeth will not utilize his opportunity to seize the crown, Which fate and metaphysical aid doth seem to have thee crowns withal (1.5 29-30). In the end, Macbeth will have to come face to face with his fate and deal with it accordingly. Secondly, Macbeths weakness (fear) is another element in his being a tragic hero. This weakness is portrayed often in the character of Macbeth. Oftentimes, tragic heroes must contain the element of fear, because it is a very humanizing element, so therefore without it, they would be some sort of superior human, which they are not. They are still human, even though they are heroes. In the case of Macbeth, his fear was created by himself due to the situations which he has involved himself with. Eventually it is this self-induces, self-produced fear which eats Macbeth from the inside out. In the end, Macbeths fear becomes a totally all-inclusive, all- consuming creature which takes his life and virtually rapes him of his unlawfully obtained position of king. Bibliography 1) Aspects of Macbeth, Kenneth Muir, Philip Edwards, Cambridge University Press1978 2) The New Varioum Shakespeare, Macbeth, Horace Howard Furness, New York American Scholar, 1963. 3) Shakespeare: The Tragedy of Macbeth, John Russell Brown, Barons Educational Series, Inc. 1963. 4) Double Profit in Macbeth, H. L. Rogers, Melbourne University Press 1964. 5) Funk & Wagnalls Standard Dictionary, Lippincott & Crowell, Publishers 1980

Friday, November 22, 2019

The Holly Tree

The Holly Tree When I built my house almost nine years ago (friggin wow), I planted holly trees on two corners of the structure, one to the left of my study window. Because I love birds, I yearned for the day the tree grew tall and thick enough for me to see its bird visitors from that window. You see, my window is fifteen feet off the ground. I planted a three-foot tree. It would be a while. But I watered the tree, did some serious pruning on it every couple of years to shape it, and made sure it was free of disease. Its a beautiful plant with its shiny, deep green leaves and occasional berries. It grew, but I could only see it when I went outside and stood next to it. Sometime during 2013, I heard a mockingbird outside being particularly loud. On occasion a bird, usually a tiny wren or house finch, or even a rare goldfinch, will perch on my window sill seeking bugs. Since I write late into the night, my window holds the only light in the cove. Being in the country, we dont do streetlights, so dark is DARK out here. The bugs flock to my window, unfortunately for me, but fortunately for the birds that gobble them up the next day. Anyway, the mockingbird song puzzled me. Sliding to my window, I listened hard for the direction. Sure enough, he perched atop the holly tree. I could see him! I could hear him. It had been so long since I tried to see the tree from my window that Id forgotten it was even there . . . except when I went outside and watered it, and pruned it. I hope you can see that the point is obvious. We plant our butts in the chair and we plant words on a page. We keep at it, writing, creating, editing, even submitting. We do it, knowing it might be a long while before its matured. Then one day, and it might be several years from when you started, you look up and there it is. Your work has grown into mature, viable, and gorgeous stories. I hear so many writers talk about waiting for the right moments to write, or getting depressed about rejection, or reading so many ridiculous blog posts that tell them how long their odds are to get published. They write in spurts. They forget writing for the summer, or the winter, or the holidays. They are forgetting to water and prune their holly tree. Even if you cannot imagine success, you keep writing. Just as we love gardening, we love writing, and we tend them religiously, just the same. Because one day, well look up, and there it will be . . . that story we always imagined, sitting there, singing to the world.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Data Structures and Algorithm Lesson Plan Essay

Data Structures and Algorithm Lesson Plan - Essay Example Vocabulary reinforced are: Reading skills: Listening skills: Library skills: collecting and abstracting information: Speaking skills: Writing skills: analyzing tasks, panning, drafting and editing various types of writing skills: Study techniques: Planning work, organizing, storing and retrieving information. Students will be expected to: †¢ Demonstrate capacity to obtain information from listening. †¢ Demonstrate ability to obtain and synthesis information on a subject from various written sources. †¢ Demonstrate ability to communicate in writing. †¢ Demonstrate ability to make oral presentations Materials: Textbook: Data Structures and Algorithms Analysis in C by Mark Allen Weiss Introduction to Algorithms, Second Edition By Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, and Ronald L. Rivest and Clifford Stein Computer Software: Java SDE software will be pre-installed in the Computer lab that will be in use during Practical lessons. WISE The Web-based Inquiry Science E nvironment (WISE) provides a platform for creating inquiry science projects for middle school and high school students using evidence and resources from the Web.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Declaration of Independence- Thomas Jefferson Final Term Paper

Declaration of Independence- Thomas Jefferson Final - Term Paper Example Distinctively enumerated into exceptional divisions, the writer demonstrated some rare writing skills that make it one of the best literal state papers. The Declaration of Independence can be divided into an introduction, a clearly developed preamble, a section describing the indictment of the Crown, denunciation of the American oppressors (the British) and a good conclusion. Any paper passing the test of good writing must at least show such organization. Throughout the document, artistic or literary devices (rhetoric devices) can be pointed out to prove the fact that the writer must have had tremendous proficiency with the topic of artistic discourse. With the topic of the Declaration of Independence at hand, this paper will tackle Thomas Jefferson’s rhetoric and the play of words he had used in the formation of this historical document. With the basis of textual analyses of the Declaration of Independence, historical interpretations will be conducted in order to explain the American context under the British colonial government. This paper will also explain the educational background of Thomas Jefferson – one that honed him as an eloquent writer of the mentioned document. Before going into the analyses of the Declaration’s text, it is important to give light to its author Thomas Jefferson. Although history has had laughable doubts of according Jefferson the credit of the text authorship, controversies of such nature are interesting to tackle. One good example of a weak school of thought that the authorship of the Declaration of Independence could be not of Thomas Jefferson is the belated publication of Mecklenburg Declaration. Mecklenburg Declaration which was allegedly duplicated by Jefferson. But as the proponents of this thought steadfastly argued, the controversy was later found out to be a â€Å"hoax†. It was disproven by Jefferson himself. Scholars

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Personal Financial Advisors Essay Example for Free

Personal Financial Advisors Essay I want to live the good life. By that I mean a life of wealth, privilege, loving family relationships, and warm friendships. At the end of my life I will be satisfied if my spouse and children are still by my side and if I have a close circle of friends. I intend to earn a lot of money and I intend to give generously to charity. To achieve this, I need time and money. I intend to marry and have three children. My spouse and I, who are still passionately in love with each other, are building an art collection. Both sets of grandparents live no more than an hour away. We visit frequently and the kids adore them. I own my own hedge fund and earn $25 million a year. My spouse owns a business—maybe an art gallery or a professional practice. We live in a spacious penthouse apartment, probably in New York. We have floor to ceiling windows, views in every direction, a clean, sleek, modern decor, with lots of space for entertaining, which we do frequently. The kids each have their own bedrooms and share a playroom. We have a live-in nanny for the kids, a live-in cook, and help with the cleaning. We have a beach house, probably in South Hampton. We go there most weekends by helicopter. We all have busy lives so the quality time we spend together on the weekends is incredibly important to us. We take exotic vacations two times a year as a family—usually involving some kind of adventure travel pertaining to my love for scuba diving and for studying the ecology of coral reefs. Once a year my spouse and I go some place romantic on vacation together. Each year I take a vacation with one of the kids, just the two of us. The kids go to great schools with small classes and a progressive curriculum that lets them follow their own interests: there is no teaching for the exams in this school. The kids are learning to ride, and to play tennis, squash, and polo. I play these sports regularly. I have a lot of physical energy so I run or bike each day. I also work out every day in the gym in our apartment. I have given up smoking. My spouse and I are active in charity work. We are each on the board of a prestigious charity and when we go to their annual fundraising events we get our pictures in the gossip columns. We give 10% of our income to charity each year. I am a member of the Explorer’s Club because I have contributed something important to the scientific study of coral reefs. I spent a year studying the coral reefs in the Similan Islands in Thailand before starting my career. While there, I also studied Vipassna meditation, which I still practice. I am confident and gregarious. I don’t sweat the small stuff. I plan for the future and I work my plan, but I am flexible enough to enjoy surprising opportunities when they come along. 2. Career goals My long-term career goal is to own my own hedge fund and earn at least $25 million a year. The top hedge fund owners can earn considerably more than this (Story B1). To achieve this I need three things: proven skill at investing (or the skill to hire someone with skill at investing), connections to the kind of wealthy investors who put their money in hedge funds, and the ability to convince potential clients to trust me with their money. 3. A Strategic Plan for My Future I have four major goals: to stop smoking, to learn more about coral reefs, to start a hedge fund, and to find the right spouse and start a family. I can quit smoking this year. I have decided to join a smoking cessation program at a local hospital this summer. I have consulted with my doctor and he thinks this is a good option for me. I am determined to succeed. I don’t know how long, or if, I will, as a devoted amateur, ever be able to make a scientific discovery significant to earn me admittance into the Explorer’s Club, but I intend to proceed as though this is possible (Explorer’s Club). So far, my experience with scuba diving and studying coral reefs has only been as a tourist and an avid reader. I would very much like to participate in a real scientific research expedition. One of the world’s leading organizations for research into the ecology of coral reefs is the ARC Center for Excellence in Coral Reef Studies at James Cook University in Townsville, Australia (ARC Center of Excellence). My plan is to contact the scientists at the Center to learn what kind of opportunities there are for amateurs to participate in research projects. I am also considering participating in a research expedition, sponsored by the Earthwatch Institute, to Thailand’s coral reefs in December 2009 (Earthwatch Institute). I have another motive for doing this, which is that I can imagine meeting my future spouse on such an excursion. I would like to meet someone with whom I have interests in common. I think it will take me ten years to get the experience and contacts I need to start a hedge fund. I would like to apprentice myself to a leading hedge fund operator such as James Simons of Renaissance Technologies, John Paulson, or John Arnold of Centaurus Energy (Story B2). I am pursuing an education in finance. I have also been studying investment methods and I seem to have an affinity for technical analysis. I am managing a fictional portfolio as if it were real—tracking trades and so forth—and I am doing reasonably well. I am planning to join the Marketing Technicans Association and to earn the CMT credential. This involves a course of self-study and passing three challenging exams (Marketing Technican’s Association). Preparing for all three tests is said to take a total of 400 hours of study (Marketing Technician’s Association). I also intend to be active in the association—to meet others in the field and hopefully to network my way into a job in finance. As everyone knows, this is not an ideal time to be looking for a job in finance. The sector has cut 400,000 jobs in the past two years (Bowley Story). I plan on being persistent. To start a hedge fund, I will need clients. To find them, I need to go where rich people and people who manage portfolios for large institutions go. I plan to be active in fundraising for our alumna association. I play squash and tennis. I plan to learn to play polo, an expensive sport. I also plan to be active in several charitable organizations. I hope this networking will put me in touch with the right people. Salesmanship is very important in the hedge fund business. Why should a potential client trust me with their money? I intend to build a reputation as an ethical, dependable, solid person. People will trust me because I will be trustworthy. This may sound obvious, but one thing that is sorely missing right now in the financial community is trust. Too many people have been too badly burned by the people they trusted to give them financial advice. Probably the goal that matters most to me is meeting a life partner. I hope I can do this in the next five years. I know how to meet people—that’s easy. But what I want to do is form strong, lasting relationships based on honestly knowing each other. The best way for me to do that is to be considerate and honest. In the past I have noticed in myself a tendency to play to the crowd. I will do what is necessary to get a laugh or to make someone like me, even if it means saying something about my thoughts, feelings, or opinions that isn’t really true. This is not going to work when it comes to finding a life partner. I need to be funny, considerate and honest at the same time. I am somewhat afraid of doing this. 4. A Strategic Plan â€Å"B† for My Future What if my plans don’t work out? I find this very hard to imagine. If I put myself in the right place, frequently enough, I know something good will happen, even if it isn’t exactly what I have in mind now. There are always options. I intend to follow my heart so I make the right choices. Suppose I can’t get a job in finance when I want to? I will probably consider going to work for one of the government regulatory agencies; they will probably be hiring. The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) is one possibility, especially since the CMT credential takes me part of the way towards the FINRA Registered Research Analyst credential (Marketing Technicians Association). This would open more doors. I am very ambitious, but if ten years pass and my dream of starting a hedge fund begins to look like an impossible goal, I will probably consider starting my own personal financial advisor practice. The Bureau of Labor Statistics is forecasting that demand for personal financial advisors will increase by 44% over the next seven years (Bureau of Labor Statistics). I am very interested in the idea of starting my own business, even if it can’t be a hedge fund. Right now, I can’t say what other kind of company I might start but it could be anything. I believe that I have to put myself in the way of opportunities. I will do this by becoming an avid watcher of the economy and an avid investigator of business conditions. I know what I am looking for: a product or service that is necessary and nonexistent. This is how the great fortunes are made. In a general sense, I am most interested in ways in which the internet can be used to deliver new services. Netflix is an inspiration. The question to ask is how could computing and networking be applied to get people this service. If you are talking about a service or product that can be delivered globally over the internet, so much the better. Amazon changed the way people shop for books. Fresh Direct has changed the way New Yorkers shop for groceries. Seamless Web has changed the way people order meals in from restaurants. I see the world as being endlessly full of possibilities. I know my dream is of extreme wealth and privilege. Maybe it is more of a fantasy than something that can be planned for. But I know all the steps I take in pursuing my dream—networking, CMT certification, building a reputation as trustworthy—will open opportunities for me. I can’t know what these opportunities are in advance. My plan â€Å"B† really is much more strategic than tactical. My plan â€Å"A† is tactical. But for plan â€Å"B† I intend to do things that I am really interested in, to take advantage of all opportunities to meet others with similar interests, especially those with a track record of achievement, and to continue studying and learning. There will be opportunities and I will have my eyes open so I can see them. The CMT isn’t the only certification I can pursue; it is just the one that interests me the most right now. The CFA Institute offers the CFA certification which is one of the most prestigious on Wall Street (CFA Institute). This is another course of self-study followed punctuated by three exams (CFA Institute). The more I try to make a plan for the future, the more convinced I become that preparation is the most important thing I can do. This is regarding my love life, my family life, my interest in coral reefs, and my career. If I study and if I seek out other people, I will discover opportunities. You can’t study for love, but you can understand yourself and what you desire. The more I learn about who I am and what I have to give to a life partner, the more likely I will be to find that special someone. I want intimacy, depth, and trust. I want to know and be known as much as possible. I don’t want secrets and I don’t want lies. I am convinced that the only way I will find a person who wants what I do, and with me, is if I give these things first. Works Cited ARC Centre of Excellence. Coral Reefs on Brink of Disaster, Scientists Urge Action Now. Science Daily. 22 October 2007. 28 April 2009 http://www. sciencedaily. com ¬ /releases/2007/10/071021225256. htm. Bowley, G. Story, S. â€Å"Crisis Altering Wall Street as Big Banks Lose Top Talent. The New York Times. 12 April 2009. 27 April 2009 http://www. nytimes. com/2009/04/12/business/12wall. html? partner=rss. Bureau of Labor Statistics. â€Å"Financial Analysts and Personal Financial Advisors. † Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2008-2009 Edition. 27 April 2009 http://www. bls. gov/oco/ocos259. htm. CFA Institute. â€Å"What Is the CFA Program? † 28 April 2009 http://www. bls. gov/oco/ocos259. htm. â€Å"Coral Reefs of Thailand. † Earthwatch Institute. 28 April 2009 http://www. earthwatch. org/exped/heiss. html. Explorer’s Club. 28 April 2009 http://www. explorers. org/. Marketing Technicians Association. â€Å"CMT Program. † 28 April 2009 http://www. mta. org/eweb/DynamicPage. aspx? webcode=CMTProgram. Story, Louise. March, 25, 2009. â€Å"Top Hedge Fund Managers Do Well in a Down Year. † New York Times, p. B1.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Essay on Utopia - Constitution of the United States as a Utopian Propos

The Constitution of the United States as a Utopian Proposal   Ã‚  Ã‚   Few people would take issue with the statement that America faces monumental challenges both to its own well-being as well as to its self-imposed duty to become "a more perfect union". Over the years, many speakers, authors, and dreamers have used the dirty facts of this nation's (and its predecessors') seemingly unrepentant capitalism, paternalism, belligerence, and tendency toward cultural assimilation to declare the entire enterprise bankrupt and to focus, not on where, exactly, the USA went wrong, but instead on what the truly ideal civilization would look like. They have created, in speech or on paper, entire realms of happiness and harmony, free of injustice, crime, and any other negative social vice. They have failed, however, in most cases, to free themselves from the trap of the nature of the human animal and his uncanny ability to absolutely avoid accurate prediction or even adequate description. It is my suggestion that, out of the bulk of utopian proposals th e world has seen, the Constitution of the United States does, in fact, come the closest to creating "no place" for the greatest number of people through its pragmatism, its admission to not knowing the nature of every man, and, most importantly, its allowal of alternate visions of Utopia.       Of course, all one needs to do to get a glimpse of the monumental challenges the USA faces is open the closest almanac. Nearly half (49%) of all American marriages end in divorce. Some 700,000 high school students end up dropping out of school each year. There are nearly one million cases of child neglect and/or abuse per year and 2,700,000 cases of violent crime. Around 8.5 million individuals... ...ough a total change in the accepted social order. The framers of the Constitution were looking in the right direction; it is our legacy and responsibility to see that the essence of their vision is amended to accommodate the changes this nation has experienced since its founding and to provide the opportunity for every citizen to express, and possibly achieve, his or her own utopia.    Works Cited Bellamy, Edward. Looking Backward: 2000 to 1887. Internet text version copyright 1996 by Geoffrey Sauer. http://english-server.hss.cmu.edu/fiction/bellamy/contents.html Brunner, Borgna, ed. 1997 Information Please Almanac. Boston: Information Please, LLC. Constitution of the United States of America. http://www.law.cornell.edu/constitution/constitution.overview.html. Democratic Socialists of America. (1998). http://www.dsausa.org/dsa.html

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Ponyboy curtis

He matures throughout the course of the novel, a ND earning things about life, he's naive and inexperienced compared to the 10th errs. He's very thoughtful, and has good motives and intentions. He's a loyal person and always sticks up for what's right. He's not spoiled or selfish. He's grateful for what he has. PWS world has been turned upside down after his parents were killed in an AU automobile accident just eight months before The Outsiders story takes place. Do you area lies that he's an orphan and he just lives with his older brothers Darryl which is only 20 years old ND Soda who's 16.Lucky Darryl' has a legal custody of Soda and Pony boy. Pony wants there to be no fighting Beethoven the Soc and the greasers. pony likes sunsets, books and he also like poems which he always memoir zees. He lines at the movie house, † I had a long walk home and no company, but I usually lone it anyway, for no reason except that I like to watch movies† † and nobody in our gang di gs books and movies the way I do† Pony has a different attitude and behavior than the others in his gang.Greasers are almost like hoods, we steal things and drive old speedup cars and hold up gas stations and have gang fights once in a while . I don't mean I do things like that† The other greasers are tough/ rude while pony is sensitive,soft and also humble. He saved the kids from the church fire and doubt that the greasers would've do en that. Darryl always says that Pony has a lack of common sense. He can admit the at he isn't the greatest at school but that's because he's not that interested in shoo I.He can also have some lack of common sense when he's in trouble but even if he get s in to trouble a lot he still has he's feet on the ground. Pony has always been proud to be a greaser, even willing to rumble again SST a gang of Soc for the sake of his fellow greasers. He does not like few of the people in the his crew, particularly hazardous Dallas Winston, however he would do anything f or Dallas and would be protect him from the hazard whether it is possible. The bonus a accordance Pony is the thread that keeps his bunch along. It cuts across their different sees.Those are loyal to the one another because they are known each other well h as grown up along, and have enjoyed tough times along. In the case the Curtis boys is t heir allegiance in order to their brothers and of orphaned brothers. But to me, a loyal person is also just a someone we can or should admire. I be live we should admire Pony to resolve all the trouble he has and been through . S omen who is loyal is someone you can trust, takes care of you, is concerned about y defends you, helps you, and more importantly loves you. Pony is the prefer CT example of that.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Maintaining Job Descriptions

Writing and updating Job Descriptions is very important for the employer and the candidate. It allows the candidate to decide if the skills they have match the position they are contemplating on applying for. For the employer it helps them to get a clear picture of the ideal candidate and give their expectations for the candidate they are searching for. Companies undergo expansion, restructuring, downsizing and relocating, those things cause changes within the company such as departments and teams changing and business priorities. The reason we update and rewrite job descriptions is so that employees do not assume what to do on the job but know what to do. The employer needs for the job description to specifically state what is expected, such as travel, management, full time, part time and shift work. A Job description also helps the employer determine who can follow directions, and they also aid in evaluations, raises and promotions. Job descriptions are also an important part of the Benefits Specialist’s Job. They are also very essential in the development and implementation of Human Resource programs. When applying for a job always remember that a Job Description is a legal binding document and can be used as evidence in hiring disputes and labor negotiations. (Subramaniam, 2009) Whenever the job functions of an employee changes it is very important that their job description changes also. (Subramaniam, 2009) You cannot successfully manage performance by the use of outdated job descriptions that do not list the real functions of the job. Subramaniam, 2009) Many organizations in the past overlooked the importance of updating Job Descriptions but after several lawsuits I believe that a lot of companies today are a lot more careful in not just updating but in writing them and having them looked at and handled by qualified Human Resource personnel. Outline a process that will yield a set of thorough, current job descriptions. The process that I think will yield a set of thorough, current job descriptions would to first determine the needs of the company. This may ean getting with the decision makers to compare the responsibilities of current staff and to compare the responsibilities and competencies of current staff against all existing and possible needs. By doing this you can identify the gaps and consider looking at current employees who can be moved into need roles in place of looking to hire. (Developing a Roadmap for the Hiring Process) Gather information from your staff to help in the process ask them what they think you should be looking for or asking. The second step would be to start writing your Job Description and Job Posting. The job description document will list the responsibilities and qualification of the job. This will be used by the hiring managers to evaluate the candidates and by the position manager to set expectations for the new hire and for the evaluations and performance reviews. (Developing a Roadmap for the Hiring Process) Next would be to develop a recruitment plan, you can first start by Internal Distribution: this will allow current employee the opportunity to apply for the position if interested. And second they are the key source of referrals for any new positions. Next would be Distribution by net working this would be to send the announcement to friends, peer groups community partners etc. This will help in spreading the work of the position. Last would be External Posting, this would be online adds, news papers and even just posting the job on boards in different businesses like grocery chains. Your final stage would be setting up a screening process to view each applicant and make a decision. Be sure that everyone who is making a hiring decision is on the same page. You can start by deciding what information you want to view and how you want to obtain the information you are looking for. Three common stages of a screening process are Resume Screening, Phone Screening and Interviews. Before you view any resume decide what information you want to know from the resume and look at your job description and come up with a list of criteria, This will aide you in coming up with a Resume Screening Worksheet. Next would be a phone screening, sometimes it is hard to decide from a resume so you can come up with a few questions and do a phone interview. If after doing a Resume Screen and a Phone Screen your are still not satisfied then you can do an Interview. The in person interview allows you to fish for information that you did not gather during the resume and phone screen. Recommend a process to be used in the future for periodically reviewing and updating the new job descriptions. The process that I recommend be followed in keeping your job descriptions updated is to first let your employees know that their positions descriptions are subject to changes and that they know the difference between job description and position description. Because with is not in your job description could be in your position description. When discussing performance appraisals review your employee’s job description and discuss it with them to make sure that they haven’t acquired some extra duty that needs to be placed in their job description. You can also make sure to review the job descriptions once someone has left that position then before you rush to place an announcement for the position review the job description and make any changes need. Works Cited Developing a Roadmap for the Hiring Process. (n.d.). Retrieved April 25, 2011, from Common Good Careers: www.cgcareers.org Subramaniam, S. A.-M. (2009). A Review of the Need for Writing and Updating Job Descriptions for 21st Century Organizations. Retrieved April 25, 2011, from European Journal of Social Sciences-Volume 12, Number 2 (2009): www.eurojournals.com/ejss

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Free Essays on Revenge At Its Sweetest

Revenge at its Sweetest Only a few slow moving tumbleweeds occupied the desert terrain. The endless plain of dust and hot dry dirt seemed to have no occupants; it was as if the ground hadn't been walked over for years. Suddenly, the seemingly endless silence was broken by a gradual fade into a chaotic rumbling sound. The sound grew more ferocious and eventually became unbearably loud. Just then in the distance behind a cliff, a cloud of dust appeared and out of it raced seven cars racing at insane speeds. It looked as if the cars had been built from scraps of hard iron and metal for the sole purpose was to fight against other contenders in this barren wasteland. In front of the pack was a sleek fast car, being pursued by six other cars, but one could tell the leading car was an extremely experienced driver possessing total control of the vehicle. The dark and mysterious figure behind the wheel of the leading car sported a helmet, and painted in red lettering on the side of the helmet was the name "MAX†. Max reached across the seat and pulled out a sawed-off shotgun, and after putting it out the window shot a round back at the following pack of cars. Immediately, one car at the back swerved dangerously and rolled several times before bursting into flames broadcasting pieces of shrapnel across the barren wasteland. The pack of cars was quickly approaching a deep canyon; they would have to break hard immediately to avoid careening over the edge of it. Max didn't slow down, Max slammed the accelerator to the floor and gave it a shot of Nitrous, and then with such extremity and determination the car screamed as if in pain as it lurched forward, faster than ever. Then the car leapt off the canyon's edge and became airborne. Gliding through the air without any control of the car didn't seem to faze Max at all. The car seemed to delicately touch down on the other side as if there was a bridge. The following pack ended up being oblitera... Free Essays on Revenge At Its Sweetest Free Essays on Revenge At Its Sweetest Revenge at its Sweetest Only a few slow moving tumbleweeds occupied the desert terrain. The endless plain of dust and hot dry dirt seemed to have no occupants; it was as if the ground hadn't been walked over for years. Suddenly, the seemingly endless silence was broken by a gradual fade into a chaotic rumbling sound. The sound grew more ferocious and eventually became unbearably loud. Just then in the distance behind a cliff, a cloud of dust appeared and out of it raced seven cars racing at insane speeds. It looked as if the cars had been built from scraps of hard iron and metal for the sole purpose was to fight against other contenders in this barren wasteland. In front of the pack was a sleek fast car, being pursued by six other cars, but one could tell the leading car was an extremely experienced driver possessing total control of the vehicle. The dark and mysterious figure behind the wheel of the leading car sported a helmet, and painted in red lettering on the side of the helmet was the name "MAX†. Max reached across the seat and pulled out a sawed-off shotgun, and after putting it out the window shot a round back at the following pack of cars. Immediately, one car at the back swerved dangerously and rolled several times before bursting into flames broadcasting pieces of shrapnel across the barren wasteland. The pack of cars was quickly approaching a deep canyon; they would have to break hard immediately to avoid careening over the edge of it. Max didn't slow down, Max slammed the accelerator to the floor and gave it a shot of Nitrous, and then with such extremity and determination the car screamed as if in pain as it lurched forward, faster than ever. Then the car leapt off the canyon's edge and became airborne. Gliding through the air without any control of the car didn't seem to faze Max at all. The car seemed to delicately touch down on the other side as if there was a bridge. The following pack ended up being oblitera...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

SAT Subject Test Dates 2016-2017

SAT Subject Test Dates 2016-2017 SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips At PrepScholar, we use the best data to inform you about what the testing schedule and registration deadlines will look like in the future.When choosing your test date and Subject Tests, there are multiple factors to consider and it is vital to plan ahead. You can see the SAT test dates for previous years to get an idea of when the tests normally take place and how long after the test dates scores tend to be released. In this article, I’ll give you the SAT Subject Test dates for 2016-2017 and explain what you should consider when picking your test date and Subject Tests. Test Dates for the 2016-2017 School Year SAT Subject Tests are offered on the same dates and in the same locations as the SAT, but there’s an additional test date in March for the SAT that isn’t offered for the SAT Subject Tests. Subject Test Dates These test dates are listed by the College Board, but they’re still subject to change. Not all of the tests are offered on every date- the language with listening tests are only offered in November. Subject Test October 1, 2016 November 5, 2016 December 3, 2016 January 21, 2017 May 6, 2017 June 3, 2017 Literature X X X X X X US History X X X X X X World History X X Mathematics Level 1 X X X X X X Mathematics Level 2 X X X X X X Biology E/M X X X X X X Chemistry X X X X X X Physics X X X X X X French X X X X X German X Spanish X X X X X Modern Hebrew X Italian X Latin X X French with Listening X German with Listening X Spanish with Listening X Chinese with Listening X Japanese with Listening X Korean with Listening X You can only take Korean in November. Registration Dates The registration deadlines and score release dates are projected by PrepScholar. Test Date Normal Registration Late Registration Score Release Oct 1, 2016 Sep 2, 2016 Sep 16, 2016 Oct 20, 2016 Nov 5, 2016 Oct 7, 2016 Oct 21, 2016 Nov 24, 2016 Dec 3, 2016 Nov 4, 2016 Nov 18, 2016 Dec 22, 2016 Jan 21, 2017 Dec 23, 2016 Jan 6, 2017 Feb 9, 2017 May 6, 2017 Apr 7, 2017 Apr 21, 2017 May 25, 2017 Jun 3, 2017 May 5, 2017 May 19, 2017 Jun 22, 2017 How Accurate Are the Tables Above? The test dates are the anticipated dates provided by the College Board, and the registration and score release dates are our estimations. Even though all the dates are likely to be correct, because the test dates are provided by the College Board, those dates may be somewhat more reliable. However, the test dates aren't confirmed yet. If any of the dates change, they’ll probably be a week earlier or later than the anticipated date. You can use these dates to help determine when you'll take your SAT Subject Tests. If you know your available options, you can select the date that works best with your schedule. Also, you can factor in the specific tests you're taking and the amount of time you need to prepare for the them. How to Choose Your Subject Tests? Here’s what you should consider when selecting your Subject Tests: What Do Your Colleges Require? Know the specific requirements of the colleges you’re applying to or intend to apply to. How many Subject Tests do they require? Are you applying to a school or program that requires you to take science and math? Are you applying to colleges that want to see your skill level in a range of subjects? Are you applying to test optional or flexible colleges that allow you to use Subject Tests in place of the SAT or ACT? If you have any questions about a school's policies, call the admissions office. What Are Your Best Subjects in School? Generally, you'll do the best on the tests related to your best subjects in school. If you thoroughly enjoy physics and you're excelling in your AP Physics class, you'll probably do well on the Physics Subject Test. Are You Fluent in Another Language? Many native speakers of other languages take the Subject Test in their first language, even if they’re not taking a class in that language. Often, this is an opportunity to get a high score and show off your multilingualism. However, make sure you review the content for the Subject Test even if you're fluent. I scored higher on my Spanish Subject Test than some of my friends who are native Spanish speakers because I was more familiar with Spanish grammar rules and written Spanish while they were much more adept at conversational Spanish. Finally, read our articles on SAT Subject Tests for more guidance and to help you study. How to Choose Your Test Dates Review this article on how to select SAT Subject Test dates. Also, keep in mind that you can take one, two, or three Subject Tests on a single test date. WhatIs Your Class Schedule? Generally, you want to take a givenSubject Test when you’re studying the highest level of that subject. For example,If you're taking AP US History in your junior year, you may want to take the US History Subject Test in May or June of that year right after you've spent a full year studying US History and preparing for the AP test. When Are Your College Deadlines? For most schools, the December test of your senior year will be the last time you can take the Subject Tests, and if you're applying early, the October test may be the last possible date for you. Familiarize yourself with your deadlines and give yourself an opportunity to retake the tests in case you don't get your target scores. What IsYour Personal Schedule? Make sure you give yourself time to study and avoid taking the test when you have possible conflicts. If your'e particularly busy with school and extracurricular activities in a certain month, you may want to avoid taking your Subject Tests then. What's Next? If you're preparing for your SAT Subject Tests, you may want to check out our study guides for World History, Chemistry, Literature, or Biology. You can view study guides for additional subjects in our Subject Test articles. Not sure how manySAT Subject Tests to take? Check out our guide to deciding. Finally, learn more about what is a good SAT Subject Test score. Need a little extra help prepping for your Subject Tests? We have the industry's leading SAT Subject Test prep programs (for all non-language Subject Tests). Built by Harvard grads and SAT Subject Test full or 99th %ile scorers, the program learns your strengths and weaknesses through advanced statistics, then customizes your prep program to you so that you get the most effective prep possible. Learn more about our Subject Test products below:

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Effective Leadership Style in Controlling the High Employee Turnover Thesis

Effective Leadership Style in Controlling the High Employee Turnover Rate within Nursing Faculties - Thesis Example The nursing facilities in UK are experiencing a 12.2% reduction as of 2010 (Buchan and Seccombe, 2012, p. 21). In Canada, â€Å"a shortage of 20,000 nurses† was reported in 2012 (Coutts, Nursing faculty leaders in US, UK, Canada, and Australia are experiencing problems related to recruitment and retention (American Association of Colleges of Nursing, 2013a; National Black Nurses Association, 2013; Laschinger et al., 2009; Longley, Shaw and Dolan, 2007). To solve problems related to recruitment, nursing faculties in US, UK, Canada, and Australia are continuously hiring nurses from different counties around the world (Netzwerk Migration in Europa, 2013). In Canada, low salary is one reason why nursing educators in this area are looking for other more promising job opportunities (Cash, Doyle and Tettenborn, 2011). Nursing faculties in US, UK, Canada, and Australia are having problem retaining nurses in the field of education. Aside from unattractive payment scheme, other reasons that causes poor retention includes lack of trust and collaboration among the nursing staff, over-worked, absence of career opportunities, no proper recognition for good work performance, absence of control over job performance, and poor communication among the faculty members (Hunt, 2009, p. 2). To solve retention, problem, nursing faculties in US, UK, Canada, and Australia will have to use transformational leadership not only to help them create a healthy and attractive work environment which is necessary in increasing the work satisfaction of registered nurses who wish to pursue a career in teaching (Cummings et al., 2009; Nielsen et al., 2009; Raup, 2008). Furthermore, Nielsen et al. (2009) mentioned that there is a strong relationship between the use of transformational leadership style and the decrease in work-related stress and burnout. By solving problems related to stress, burnout and poor working environment, the nursing faculties in US, UK,